Home » today » News » BRICS Leaders Stand in Solidarity with Vladimir Putin, Refuse to Attend Ukraine “Peace Convention” in Switzerland

BRICS Leaders Stand in Solidarity with Vladimir Putin, Refuse to Attend Ukraine “Peace Convention” in Switzerland

BRICS leaders present solidarity with Vladimir Putin by refusing to attend a “peace convention” on Ukraine in Switzerland. About writing Pravda.Ru.

Ukraine will convene its “peace convention” in Switzerland on June 15-16. Invites have been despatched to the leaders of 160 international locations. However the Russian Federation won’t take part. This was mentioned by the Minister of International Affairs Sergei Lavrov. Switzerland claims that fifty delegations have formally confirmed their participation. The aim of the convention is to place “broad worldwide strain” on the Russian Federation within the context that the West wants relating to what it has performed in Ukraine.

Nevertheless, the BRICS international locations didn’t assist the summit.

President of the Individuals’s Republic of China Xi Jinping he mentioned throughout casual talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing that China would assist a convention during which Russia and Ukraine would take part. Which means China won’t ship a consultant to Switzerland.

President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa won’t be current on the convention “because of constitutional processes after the election that require attendance,” mentioned a spokesperson for the South African President’s workplace on Thursday, Might 16 Vincent Magwenya.

A day earlier, the Brazilian chief introduced the rejection. José Inácio Lula da Silva. President Lula says in personal discussions that there isn’t any have to take part in a summit the place the opposite occasion to the battle, Russia, will probably be absent, sources instructed CNN Brazil.

“Brazilian diplomacy has at all times insisted on the necessity for peace talks, however it sees no want in a gathering that doesn’t embody the Russians,” – the article says.

India can be shy; an organizer from Switzerland goes there at this time to persuade, however plainly the Prime Minister will not be Narendra Modi will go Solely brokers might go, however their standing remains to be unknown.

A strong assembly in Beijing between Putin and Xi is working to reject the “summit” (there will not be one) in Switzerland, and thus to assist the place of the Russian Federation. The agreements which were reached clearly present China’s anti-Western path, and that is an instance for others.

China and Russia assist one another in safeguarding sovereignty and safety, and resisting exterior interference,” – mentioned the Chinese language International Ministry after the summit.

As well as, the world is seeing the success of Russia in entrance of the Northern Army District. And in Switzerland they’ll put ahead circumstances for the give up of Russia. Due to this fact, for a lot of it’s merely silly, the Russian military is advancing close to Kharkov and on different sectors of the entrance, and never the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Joe Biden he additionally refused to take part within the convention which was clearly unsuccessful; there isn’t any have to take a poisonous place on the eve of the elections. And if the “hegemon” doesn’t advance, why ought to others maintain out?

The agenda of the convention itself has already gone down. The West hopes to get the international locations of the worldwide south to signal a minimum of one frequent doc. The next gadgets stay on the agenda:

  • security of nuclear energy vegetation. The West might ask to switch the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Energy Plant to the arms of the IAEA. The protection of sea transport, that’s, the security of the passage throughout the Black Sea from Odessa, to move weapons safely.
  • A prisoner trade for all. Making an allowance for that there are 20 thousand Ukrainian prisoners in Russian captivity and about 500 folks in Ukrainian captivity, the subtext is obvious – to ship 20 thousand Ukrainians to the entrance.
  • Stopping using nuclear weapons, which can guarantee protected entry of NATO forces into Ukraine.
  • To stop human disasters – to stop Russia from attacking Ukraine’s vitality infrastructure.

A restricted variety of international locations might signal one thing, however these are Western international locations and Vladimir Zelensky and there was no want for a convention to formally name the concept. The remaining will look ahead to the true convention on Ukraine, and nobody is aware of what it would focus on. Is it Putin…

2024-05-17 13:51:00

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