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Breast cancer, what are the first alarm bells to watch out for?

What are the early symptoms of breast cancer? Here are the signals your body sends you that you should never underestimate.

Il breast cancer it is a malignant tumor that develops due to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal breast cells, which accumulate over time to form a mass or lump. Detecting breast cancer in its early stages isn’t easy because the signs and symptoms are different for everyone. Sometimes a small lump under the skin is clearly felt. Other times, no notable changes or symptoms are noticed. It must be said that, in many cases, breast cancer shows no symptoms in the early stage.

Breast cancer, the first symptoms not to be underestimated – mammastyle

However, there are some changes in the breast that can indicate cancer in both men and women. Well yes, although it is rare, men can develop breast cancer too. Whether you are a man or a woman, it matters get familiar with your body so you can recognize when changes occur and seek prompt treatment.

Breast cancer, what are the first symptoms that should not be underestimated

What are the early symptoms of breast cancer? Here is an exhaustive list that can help you keep tabs on your health. Always remember, however, to carry out constant checks by your trusted doctor, to avoid nasty surprises.

Breast cancer, watch out for these early symptoms – mammastyle
  • Lump in the breast or armpit (or both) that may be hard or soft to the touch
  • Thickening or swelling of part of the breast;
  • Irritated breast skin or redness and peeling of the skin around the nipple;
  • Sometimes severe pain in the nipple area and discharge of fluid or blood;
  • Change in the shape and size of the breast.

The risk of breast cancer increases if a first-degree relative has had it, especially if this family member was premenopausal at the time the cancer was diagnosed. The most important screening test for detecting breast cancer early is the mammography. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast that can detect cancer in its early stages.

Between most common causes of breast cancer are aging, family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer, starting periods before age 12, having given birth after age 35, never having had children, being overweight, alcohol consumption and inactivity.

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