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Breast cancer – risk factors – Awakening

Dr. Mihaela Alina Mareș, primary doctor Obstetrics-Gynecology, Arcadia

Breast cancer is a very current issue, being considered by the World Health Organization as the most common form of cancer to women around the world. Despite screening programs, its incidence is constantly increasing, which is why it has become a global health problem. It has been estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop a form of breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, in Romania the diagnosis is usually made in the advanced stages of the disease.

Knowing the risk factors can be helpful in preventing the disease. Thus, the risk of developing breast cancer is favored by the following factors: sex (occurs about 100 times more frequently in women than men), age (the incidence is maximum after 40 years), family history, other genetic mutations more may increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer, breast disease, menstrual history – increased risk of women with early onset menstruation, under 12 years, or those with late menopause, over 55, obstetric history – the first pregnancy term after 30-35 years or absence of births increases susceptibility; Breastfeeding (over 1 year) has a protective effect, personal history of breast cancer.

The increased density of the breasts doubles the risk and makes the diagnosis difficult by mammography; In this situation, ultrasound examination, carried out exclusively regionally within the framework, is recommended Arcadia Breast Health Centerwebsite Find Abus.

There may be risk factors: hormone therapy, obesity, high-fat diet, animal protein and regular alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, small and repeated local traumas.

May be risk factors for hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, vitamin D deficiency, history of radiation exposure, especially in young age, stress, mental trauma, excessive exposure to solar radiation, exposure to diethylstilbestrol (a hormone used in recent years to treat imminence). abortion), chemicals (parabens), prolonged exposure to artificial light – a higher frequency of breast cancer has been found among women who work at night.

Lifestyle correction, removal of harmful environmental factors and regular medical check-ups, especially in women with risk factors, can improve the incidence of breast cancer and increase survival through early detection of the disease. In Romania, more than half of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in advanced stages. For this reason, within At the Arcadia Breast Health Center, we are fighting this disease together. To schedule a consultation, you have the number of Call Center – 0232 920.

Dr. Mihaela Alina Mareșprimary doctor Obstetrics-Gynecology, Arcadia


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