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Breaking News: Top Ranker in Google Searches Revealed!


$objective.click(() =>
(roundedUserPct ‘ +
” +
” +


if (!window.mweb)
if ((comparison === 0 && userPct === parseFloat(criterion.value)) else if (is_flagship_app_view)
(d.getDay() roundedAvgPct && comparison === 1) else
} else if (showSnark) {
var snark = getSnark(userPct);
var attachSnarkModalListener = false;

if (snark !== ”) {
snark = “”+snark+””;
if (!window.mweb) {
if (false) {
attachSnarkModalListener = true;
snark += “”;
} else {
snark += “”;
} else {


$j(‘#hide-snark-open-confirmation-modal’).on(‘click’, function () {

var modalArgs = {
title: ‘Hide These Messages?’,
message: ‘Are you sure you want to hide post-quiz messages?’,
onYes: function(remodal){
type: “GET”,
url: “/ajax/user_settings.php”,
data: {s: 0},
success: function(response) {
if (response.success) {
} else {
if (response.responseJSON.message) {
} else {
remodal.$modal.find(‘#confirmation-error’).html(‘There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.’);
error: function(response) {
if (response.responseJSON.message) {
} else {
remodal.$modal.find(‘#confirmation-error’).html(‘There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.’);


} else {

// Update get reckoning with playlist info
var playlistData;
if (mweb) {
playlistData = typeof window.playlist === ‘object’ && window.playlist.hasOwnProperty(‘games’) ? window.playlist : null;
} else {
playlistData = window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist ? window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist.vm.data : null;

if (playlistData) {
playlistReckoning(playlistData, userPct, false && !stopwatch);


if (mweb) {
/* mobile games only */

if (stopwatch) {
$j(‘#reckoning-time, #reckoning-score’).addClass(‘timePast’);

var checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal = () => {
if (userPct == 0) {

if (!florinsPlayGoalData) {

var openModal = false;
if (florinsPlayGoalData.reward_claimable) {
openModal = true;
} else if (florinsPlayGoalData.curr_streak + 1 == florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days && florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today == 0) {
// First play of the day, this should complete their play goal
openModal = true;

if (openModal) {
// Fudge these values to be at the goal, since we haven’t necessarily logged this play yet and it might be the 7th
curr_streak : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days,
reward_claimable : true,
plays_today : florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today + 1,
goal_days : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days,
reward_amount : florinsPlayGoalData.reward_amount,

if (is_flagship_app_view) {
let animations = window.animations;
let hapticType=”success”;
let completeMsg;

let animConfig = {
animationData : animations.checkmark,
loop : true,
playSegments : [[0, 30], [31, 75]]};

if (userPct == 1) {
animConfig.animationData = animations.perfectScore;
animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];
completeMsg = “Perfect Score!”;
} else if (timerSecs == 0) {
animConfig.animationData = animations.outOfTime;
animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];
completeMsg = “Out of Time!”;
} else if (_spks && !didGiveUp) {
animConfig.animationData = animations.bomb;
animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];
completeMsg = “You Hit a Mine!”;

window.SporcleLib.Modal.openModalFromTpl($j(‘#post-game-modal-tpl’).html(), {
show_loading : false,
onInit : (modal) => {
let $modal = modal.$modal;
$modal.attr(‘id’, ‘postGameModal’);

postGameAnim = lottie.loadAnimation({
container : $modal.find(‘#postGameIcon’)[0],
animationData : animConfig.animationData,
loop : animConfig.loop,
autoplay : false

$modal.find(‘.modal-close’).on(‘click’, () => {


if (snark) {
} else {

setTimeout(() => {
postGameAnim.playSegments(animConfig.playSegments, true);

// if (hapticType) {
// setTimeout(() => {
// window.SporcleApp.api.playHaptic(hapticType);
// }, 150);
// }
}, 150);
onClose : () => {
} else {



function toggleshow() {
showans = !showans;

function roundPercentScore(pctScore) {
return _.round(100 * pctScore);

function updateBadge(userPct) {
var earned = false;
if (quizBadge && userPct > 0) {
if (quizBadge.criteria && quizBadge.criteria.length) {
var requiredCount = quizBadge.criteria.length;
var earnedCount = 0;

//Loop through possible badge criteria to see if we earned them
quizBadge.criteria.forEach(function (criterion) {
var comparison = parseInt(criterion.compare);

if(criterion.name === ‘percent’){
if ((comparison === 0 && userPct === parseFloat(criterion.value)) || //’0′ means percent needs to equal
(comparison === 1 && userPct > parseFloat(criterion.value)) || //’1′ means percent needs to be greater than
(comparison === -1 && userPct criterion.value && comparison === 1) ||
(d.getMonth() + 1 criterion.value && comparison === 1) ||
(d.getDate() criterion.value && comparison === 1) ||
(d.getDay() roundedAvgPct && comparison === 1) ||
(roundedUserPct ‘ +
” +
” +

if (hint) {

var $afterContainer = $hint.find(‘.afterContainer’);
var $after = $hint.find(‘.after’);

// Set to max width before resize
width: ‘120px’


// Set tooltip text to hint

// Get width of tooltip with text
var width = Math.ceil($after[0].offsetWidth) + 1;

var leftShift = 0;
if (mweb) {
// Make sure the tooltip doesn’t go off either side of the screen
var leftBound = 51;
var rightBound = $j(‘body’).width() – 71;
var buf = 11;

// Shift based on width of text
var shiftLimit = Math.max(width/2 – 20, 0);

if (x rightBound) {
// Too close to right edge of screen
leftShift = shiftLimit;
x = Math.min(x, $j(‘body’).width() – buf);

// Set the position of the hint
left: x + ‘px’,
top: y + ‘px’,

// Set outer container size and position
width: width + ‘px’,
left: ‘-‘ + ((width / 2) + leftShift) + ‘px’

} else {

function getRandomColor() {
var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
var g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
return ‘rgb(‘ + r + ‘,’ + g + ‘,’ + b + ‘)’;

function hintTooltipIsDisplayed() {
return $j(‘#hintTooltip’).is(‘:visible’);

function getCurrentHintText() {
return $j(‘#hintTooltip .afterContainer .after’).text();

async function runStartCode(stopwatch) {

if (typeof gamePageIsLoaded != “undefined” && gamePageIsLoaded) {
if (window.startTriggered) {
} else {
window.startTriggered = true;

window.setTimeout(async function() {
if (typeof stopwatch !== ‘undefined’) {
if (stopwatch) {
} else {


}, 0)

function callSPHooks(name) {
if (typeof _spHooks != ‘undefined’) {
var hlen = _spHooks[name].length;
for (var i = 0; i

2024-03-17 21:47:27
#French #Chelsea

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