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Brawl in Naples, boy intervenes to break up the argument and is injured

(ANSA) – NAPLES, APRIL 21 – Brawl in a club in the center of Naples last night: a boy who tried to break things up was injured and four young people were arrested. A sixteen-year-old was also involved and reported. According to what was reconstructed by the police, the argument broke out in the bathrooms of a club in Vico Due Porte in Toledo. Doors and furnishings were damaged. Then the discussion degenerated outside where a boy, who intervened to break up the argument, was hit in the back with a blunt object. Immediately afterwards, the attackers drove away in a car while the victim tried, in vain, to reach the nearest hospital but was found unconscious on the ground by an Army patrol near the bus stop. of the Toledo metro. The immediate investigations, carried out also by the police officers and also thanks to the viewing of the images of the video surveillance systems, made it possible to trace, in a very short time, the car reported in via Galileo Ferraris, at the motorway entrance, where was blocked. The five passengers all had traces of blood on their clothes and abrasions on their faces. The police also found three corkscrews in the rear bonnet of the car, used, as can be seen from the images, during the brawl. An 18-year-old from Agropoli, a 19-year-old from Agropoli, a 22-year-old Moroccan and a 22-year-old Tunisian were arrested for fighting, aggravated bodily harm and damage; while a 16-year-old from Agropoli was reported to the Judicial Authority for the same crimes. (HANDLE).

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#Brawl #Naples #boy #intervenes #break #argument #injured
– 2024-04-21 20:12:14

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