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BPOM does not budge, this is because Ivermectin has not been allowed to be widely used

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Many groups urge the use of generic antiparasitic drugs, ivermectin, widely as a Covid-19 drug. Along with its properties to protect animals from parasitic worms, this drug has also been used by humans for years in pill and cream form for complaints such as scabies (skin disease due to mites), head lice, and river blindness or blindness due to worm infection.


Ivermectin sudah sejak lama disanjung sebagai obat ajaib dan penemunya William C. Campbell dan Satoshi mura sampai dianugerahi Hadiah Nobel Kedokteran pada 2015 karena multikhasiat obatnya itu. Kini, bermunculan kesaksian mereka yang berhasil lolos dari dari gejala infeksi virus corona SARS-CoV-2 berkat obat yang sama.

Tapi Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan bergeming. BPOM mengikuti panduan dari WHO dengan tidak merekomendasikan ivermectin untuk mengobati Covid-19 di luar uji klinis. Badan ini bahkan mendatangi dan memberi sanksi pabrik PT Harsen Laboratories, produsen obat Ivermectin dengan merek dagang Ivermex 12 mg, karena dianggap tidak kooperatif .


Kenapa BPOM di Indonesia, dan juga otoritas kesehatan di sejumlah negara seperti FDA di Amerika Serikat dan EMA di Uni Eropa, bersikukuh 'melawan arus' yang menghendaki pengobatan Covid-19 dengan ivermectin? Ada apa di balik sikap mereka yang tidak merekomendasikan ivermectin untuk pasien Covid-19 saat ini?

The following explanation is partly taken from Carlos Chaccour, an ivermectin researcher from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health. He was among the first researchers to raise concerns about the use of ivermectin as a Covid-19 medicine. Chaccour began researching ivermectin on its ability to kill malaria vectors in 2007.

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