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Both Messi and Ronaldo received several lucrative offers from Saudi Arabia

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The duo could have made more than 10 million euros a year if they had agreed to promote the tourism campaign in Saudi Arabia.

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  • Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo leaned out loud The Telegraph several Offers in the millions from Saudi Arabia from. They have been offered to take part in the “Visit Saudi” tourism advertising campaign.
  • It is said that the Saudi Arabian authorities were ready to meet Ronaldo 6 million euros per year to pay. According to the agreement, he would have to participate in commercial campaigns and visit the country.
  • Messi also received a similar offer but, like Ronaldo, refused to accept it because Saudi Arabia was recognized by the international community for their Human rights violations was charged.
  • Saudi Arabia is aiming to become an attractive travel destination with the “Visit Saudi” campaign, but two of the world’s best footballers will not help them.

Those: The Telgraph

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