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Börse Express – DFL: Arbitral tribunal declares Eurosport termination to be ineffective


According to its own statements, the German Football League has achieved success in the legal dispute with the TV broadcaster Eurosport. As the DFL announced on Thursday, an arbitration tribunal of the German Institution for Arbitration (DIS) declared the termination of the current contract to be ineffective. The exploitation agreement therefore continues to exist.

The Eurosport parent company Discovery said in a statement to the German press agency that the decision of the arbitral tribunal was taken note of, the reasoning was still pending. “Since these are legal and economic issues, we will not give any further comments at the moment,” it said. The dispute is about whether Discovery / Eurosport should pay an estimated 70 million euros to the DFL as originally agreed. The DIS was asked for details.

In 2016, Eurosport secured the rights to 40 Bundesliga games, including 30 Bundesliga games on Friday and five each on Sunday and Monday. After two seasons with moderate audience success, the special interest broadcaster decided against further use of the rights last summer. The streaming service DAZN acquired a sub-license.

During the Corona compulsory break, Eurosport terminated the contract and is said to have invoked a special right of termination. After the resumption of game operations in May, the DFL agreed with DAZN and the US retail giant Amazon to broadcast some games for the rest of the season. It is still unclear who will broadcast the Bundesliga games on Friday evening in the new season./se/DP/he

AXC0386 2020-08-13/18:22

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