Home » today » News » Borisov in Burgas: Bulgaria has had no direction for 3 years, and the PPs think like Bolsheviks – 2024-05-11 13:10:29

Borisov in Burgas: Bulgaria has had no direction for 3 years, and the PPs think like Bolsheviks – 2024-05-11 13:10:29

Boyko Borisov officially opened the election campaign of GERB-SDS for the upcoming parliamentary and European elections in Burgas.

This happened in front of hundreds of sympathizers and in the presence of the mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov, the regional chairman of GERB Ivan Alexiev, the former deputy prime minister Maria Gabriel, the leader of the European list Rosen Zhelyazkov, the candidate for EP Eva Maydel, as well as all the candidates for people’s representatives of GERB in Burgas, led by Zhecho Stankov.

“Bulgarians should know that because of what has been done in the last 3 years, we will reap bitter fruits. It will be very, very difficult to get out of the crisis. I took over the country after the financial collapse of the world and then during the migration crisis, when the prime ministers of Great Britain, Hungary and Austria came to Burgas and the border. For 3 years there was a detour to Sunny Beach and Arena Burgas Hall. What new has been done in these 3 years in the city?’ said Boyko Borisov.

According to Borisov, we continue the change has protected Russian interests in recent years. As an example, he gave the postponement of the derogation for Russian oil for Lukoil and the import of gas into the country.

“Now 100% of the gas imported into the country is Russian, but 30% more expensive because of the intermediaries. Why don’t they talk to us about putting a complete ban on Russian gas in Bulgaria. We will support it with all the deputies. Now the intermediaries are making huge money on the backs of the Bulgarians. We are not blind and knows very well what they are doing. I can now fully see the policy of Continuing the Change. For them, when they break the law or do something immoral, they feel entitled. They think like Bolsheviks” he said.

According to Borisov, Bulgaria now has no direction and that is why the big projects are happening in Greece, Serbia and Romania.

I hope the Bulgarians will understand and understand that it will be very difficult to get out of the crisis with a divided country. Our commitment is to the people, but it is not fair. We continue the change to benefit them, and we for the 3-4th time to pull the country out of the swamp. They have benefited a lot in the last 3 years under various schemes. Society exposed them, not us. They realized that they will reach the bottom with Prime Minister Maria Gabriel, and they want to exist for another 2-3 years so that the party can protect them. I listened again to the recording from their national council, when Asen Vassilev says that Maria Gabriel is just a hostage, that after 9 months there will be no rotation. And she and I, like fools, explained that we wanted stability and strategies for our foreign policy. Vassilev knows that the treasury is empty and that taxes should be raised and now someone should come and pull the country out of the swamp. They want 2 years now for GERB to rule and then we fall. Then, having well digested the huge income they have made, they will be back on the political scene in the same political position. They are not running a campaign now and they don’t care about running it, because they only aim to be the parliament and be the opposition. That is why GERB-DPS and Borisov-Peevski are supporting each day”the GERB leader also stated.

Borisov did not fail to joke with Boyko Rashkov and Daniel Laurer.

“The more Boyko Rashkov sits at the Change, the better.” He is armed with an umbrella and can guard himself. They put him second in Pernik behind Kiril Petkov, so that Petkov could enter from Sofia and Rashkov could be a deputy again. Let’s hope that colleague Laurer will now also enter the EP, so that we can find a job for him, as well as for his wife. Wherever there is a post, these two always appear.” he commented.

The mayor of Burgas, Dimitar Nikolov, said that on June 9, GERB-SDS should not only win, but also introduce stability at this critical moment for the country.

“Long years of timelessness, confusion and chaos stopped the progress of Burgas and the region. Skits, memes and cartoon clips pass, but what the GERB government, headed by Mr. Boyko Borisov, cannot be ignored, unseen and unshown. Greater challenges lie ahead for Burgas and the region. Transport connectivity between municipalities should have been started a long time ago. The Copper Mine bypass was long overdue. The construction of a new Faculty of Pharmacy, the renovation, the development of the public area of ​​the port of Burgas are also timeless. There is no other party like GERB-SDS, which is so well prepared, has such good experts and which is able to lead the country out of the political quagmire. The strong momentum that was gathered with the GERB governments is being lost. There is no better opportunity than on June 9 to support the only political force that can give impetus to the Burgas region. Colleagues from Burgas’ sister cities in Europe have already forgotten about the Recovery Plan. We are now starting. We must vote with ballot number 22 for more powerful support for the Burgas region”, said the mayor.

The leader of the list of GERB-SDS Zhecho Stankov thanked him for the opportunity and honor to lead a team of experts.

“None of them have sick political ambitions. Everyone knows their field well and provides a solution to all problems. We do not conduct politics within 30 days when the political campaigns are on. 365 days and 7 days a week we are among people. Our reception days are in the streets, parks, inter-block spaces. We find solutions to problems as quickly as possible. We will continue to fulfill the tasks and commitments to the mayors in the region. Only Mr. Borisov in the current budget asked what the municipalities need. He gathered the people’s representatives and asked each municipality to be given projects that the people want. He personally introduced them and they will happen in every single municipality” he said.

The leader of the European list, Rosen Zhelyazkov, said that in this campaign GERB-SDS enter with responsibility, that they must restore Bulgaria from the timelessness of the last 3 years.

“To make it stable again and resistant to all challenges.” We will not enter the campaign with two narratives – national and European. We enter with the same messages, because they are the same for Bulgaria and Europe. They are based on fundamental values ​​related to economic development, security, better protection of our borders, the correct distribution of agricultural subsidies, energy stability. All these topics are part of the agenda and we will take it upon ourselves to implement them alone or in a coalition based on principles and the results of the elections. Our opponents put 4 pillars against us – corruption, regulators, services and judicial reform. They tried to change the truth, but the good thing is that the Bulgarians saw through it” he said.

Maria Gabriel, for her part, was adamant that GERB-SDS and EPP again clearly show that they are one team, one voice that sounds clearly at the national and European level.

“Our MEP candidates and our lists for the national elections are experts, led by Zhecho Stankov. I know how respected he is in the European Commission and how many benefits this brings to Bulgaria. For me, Burgas is a symbol and it has a special place in the list of developed European cities. It is given as an example of how to develop transport and infrastructure, how to invest in young people. I am proud that Burgas is the only Bulgarian city that is a member of the Climate Change Adaptation Mission. Burgas is a symbol of how important the fight against illegal migration is. I can’t help but mention Chengene scaffolding, which is an example of how history, tradition and innovation combine. I can’t leave out my beloved beekeepers, and it was very important for me that we made the Strandzhan honey with a protected designation of origin, and now we need to do the same with bee pollen. I believe that we all want Bulgaria to be presented again as the guardian of the EU’s external borders, as it was under the GERB government with Prime Minister Mr. Boyko Borisov. For us, the important topics are Burgas, Bulgaria and Europe. We are driven by realism and we all know the great and strong qualities of GERB-SDS. We want Bulgaria to be stable again. To be a trusted and reliable partner in the EU and NATO. To be a regional leader, as he was during the administration of Mr. Borisov. But for all of this, leadership is needed, and in GERB-SDS and Bulgaria there is only one – Boyko Borisov” she stated.

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