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Bordeaux in all serenity in Dijon

If the first quarter of an hour is rather encouraging for the Côte-d’Oriennes, all their efforts go up in smoke on a disagreement between Noémie Carage and her goalkeeper Solène Durand. On the lookout, Katja Snoeijs can push the ball into the empty goal (0-1, 15e). Volunteers so far, the Dijonnaises take a hit on the head.

And yet, the worst is yet to come! On a new cross from the right, Solène Durand and Hélène Fercocq collided, the DFCO international goalkeeper remaining on the ground (27e). Before requesting the change. “She heard the knee crack. We did the physio tests, it’s not a good sign, ”says Christophe Forest, a DFCO coach awaiting future results, but who fears that the Crusaders will be affected. Which would mean an end to the season for the best Dijonnaise in the year, and no European championship for her this summer when she has the number 2 costume in Corinne Deacon’s selection.

Everything in control

Bordeaux will then take advantage of this moment to increase the bill. On a cross from Eve Périsset from the left side, Melissa Gomes, all alone in the box, uncrosses her head and… scores with the help of the post (0-2, 32e). The FCGB players then have all the cards in hand to seek a tenth success this season.

In her cage, Laetitia Philippe is almost never worried. However, she works just before the break to keep her clean sheet. With a subtle pigeon wing, the former Bordelaise Rose Lavaud thinks of reducing the gap when receiving a corner, but it is diverted by Laëtitia Philippe on her line.

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