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Bonaire goes yellow: travel allowed again | Inland

For the time being, the whole world is on ‘orange’, but that will change from Saturday. It was already clear that many Greek islands, Portugal, Iceland, Finland and the Balearic Islands will be accessible again for day trips. Bonaire is added to this, according to a letter sent last night by ministers Hugo de Jonge, Kajsa Ollongren and Ferdinand Grapperhaus.

That letter states that Bonaire is no longer considered a high-risk area. “In view of the positive epidemiological developments on Bonaire, including a persistently low infection rate and a decrease in the number of hospital and IC admissions, the RIVM has advised that Bonaire should no longer be designated as a high-risk area for the European Netherlands.” , it is no longer necessary to demand negative test results from travelers from Bonaire. ”

That means that people who go on vacation to the island no longer need to be quarantined or tested, according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Every year, tens of thousands of Dutch people go on holiday on the island.

Israel also colors corona-technical yellow, but violence has flared up to such an extent that negative travel advice still applies.

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