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Bomb in Musumeci, the governor’s escort strengthened VIDEO

The announcement by the prefect at the end of the Committee for order and security

CATANIA – The strengthening of the protection service for the Sicilian governor has been ordered Nello Musumeci. This was announced by the prefect of Catania, Maria Carmela Librizzi, at the end of the Order and Security Committee convened yesterday evening after the news, given by Livesicilia, of the discovery of a bomb on the Militello-Catania railway line and of a threatening letter to the President of the Sicilian Region.

“No cameras in the area”

“The president is already the recipient of a protection service and a strengthening of this service has been arranged – the words of the prefect of Catania -. The investigations? There have been in the past episodes of threatening letters concerning this railway line but the presence of a bomb needs more attention. It is a rural area and I do not think there were surveillance cameras on the point where the explosives were found ”.

The intimidation

And on the subject of intimidation against Musumeci: “These are episodes that refer to broadband hypotheses and therefore do not seem to have any bearing on the pandemic”. Librizzi heard the governor expressing his solidarity with him and informing him of the decisions taken by the Committee, in which the heads of the Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza took part. The story of the Militello bomb arrives among the stalls of the Copasir, which will address the issue on Wednesday. “Threats and violence cannot be defeated with silence. Fortunately, the institutions have not underestimated the story, today there is an appropriate meeting in Catania of the Committee for public order and on Wednesday we will talk about it at Copasir, chaired by Sen. Urso, with the delegated authority, Undersecretary Gabrielli. ” This was stated by Elio Vito, Forza Italia deputy and member of the Parliamentary Security Committee.

video"><video controls="" src="https://livesicilia.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/prefetto-Catania.mp4"/>



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