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Bologna and Juventus in the Champions League: they qualified thanks to Atalanta

Bologna and Juventus have qualified for the next Champions League with two rounds to spare. Atalanta’s victory over Roma was decisive, delivering to Thiago Motta and Massimiliano Allegri the certainty of a place in the top five. De Rossi’s team is at -7 with only two days to play and can no longer reach them. With different moods, Bologna and Juventus will face each other at the Dall’Ara on May 20th: after the draw in the first leg, the match will actually, not arithmetically, give away third place. Whoever wins goes +3 over the other with direct comparisons in favor and the comparison between the Juventus coach of yesterday and today, Allegri, and the one probably of tomorrow, Motta, will be a great suggestion. In reality, both can still be overcome by Atalanta.

the party

Bologna in the Champions League: it’s mathematics. The story is now, the city in the square to celebrate the feat

by Luca Baccolini

Therefore in the next Champions League Italy will enter Inter, Milan, Bologna and Juventus plus a fifth team between Atalanta (favourites), Roma and Lazio. Gasperini is +3 on De Rossi, with favorable direct comparisons and with one more match to play (3 against 2). Three points in three games are enough for him to be ahead of the Giallorossi. Roma, on the other hand, should have two wins and hope that Atalanta doesn’t go beyond 2 draws in 3 games. La Dea has 4 points on Lazio and the direct clashes in favor.

Atalanta has not only its destiny in its hands but that of the rest of Serie A. On Wednesday it will play the Italian Cup final against Juventus and on May 22nd the Europa League final in Dublin. If they beat Leverkusen, they can give themselves the first European trophy in their history, qualify by right for the Champions League and increase the Italian squad in the next edition of the Queen’s Cup to six teams. To the 4 traditional places there would be added the one for the holder of the Europa League and subsequently the extra place gained by Italy thanks to the primacy in the seasonal ranking. Be careful, however, because sixth place is only useful for the Champions League if Atalanta does not reach the top 4 in Serie A. And at the moment the Nerazzurri, by virtue of the recovery time to be played, are potentially -1 behind Bologna and Juventus who have to face each other. Atalanta is therefore still in the running for third place.

Rome and Lazio, separated by one point, are destined for the Europa League but are hoping for Atalanta and sixth place good for the Champions League. Roma must face Genoa and Empoli, Lazio will have Inter and Sassuolo. In the derbies the Giallorossi are ahead (one win, one draw).

Among the possible scenarios, there is also the one that everything will be decided only on June 2nd, at the end of the championship, when the Atalanta-Fiorentina recovery will be played. Atalanta could get there after winning the Europa League, having already qualified for the Champions League: and they would only be playing for fourth place, with the possibility of “taking away” a sixth team from Italy.

#Bologna #Juventus #Champions #League #qualified #Atalanta
– 2024-05-13 08:53:44

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