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Boat takes in water in Breivika – has a strong list

The Russian-registered trawler “Arctic Lion” began to take water to the quay in Breivika around 2 pm and quickly overturned.

Large forces have moved out, and at 16.00 work is in full swing to prevent the trawler from getting such a large tilt of it tipping around.

Police, the fire brigade, the rescue boat Skumvær and the tugboat Lupus are working to push the trawler into the quay to stabilize it.

Efforts are being made to launch the boat to make it stable enough for divers to enter and seal the hull. The fire service has also prepared booms in the sea in the event of a spill, says operations manager Eirik Kileng in Troms police district at 16.00.

– Is there a real chance that the trawler will tip?

– I do not have the prerequisites to comment on that. But we are working hard to prevent that from happening, says Kileng.

Visible tilt

At 2.30 pm, the rescue company tried to put booms on board the Russian trawler “Arctic Lion”. The boat gradually got a slightly smaller list, but several people on the spot inform Nordlys at 15.30 that the list has become somewhat larger.

The police task leader on the spot confirms to Nordlys that the trawler takes in water.

– It takes in water, and you will try to empty it. At the same time, preparations are being made to deal with any emissions. So far, there are no discharges, but if it tilts or goes around, then it may be relevant, says the task leader.

EMERGENCY: The police and fire brigade have moved out to the trawler.

EMERGENCY: The police and fire brigade have moved out to the trawler.

The crew evacuated

The crew of the trawler has been evacuated.

– As far as I understand, only the captain is left on board, says operations manager Eirik Kileng.

When Nordlys was on site at around 3 pm, there were piles of luggage, suitcases and bags on the quay.

We update the case continuously.

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