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BNI Fake Deposit Case Involves Persons, Banks Remain Responsible Bank

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM —  Bank BNI must remain responsible if it is found that the actions of individuals from inside and outside the corporation in the case of a Rp20.1 billion bill which was allegedly fake in Makassar The liability provisions are contained in Article 1367 of the Civil Code.

As is known, the incident began when two customers named Hendrik and Heng Tao Pek deposited their deposit funds in a bank BNI. Both are interested in saving their money in the bank BNI, because there is the lure of deposit interest of 8.25 percent per month.

Then he transferred a total of IDR 20.1 billion from Maspion Bank to BNI through the RTGS system. All transactions are claimed to be legal and accompanied by supporting evidence. This transaction was carried out at the Makassar Port Container branch since 2018.

In March 2021, Hendrik could not withdraw his deposit, because BNI judged that the four deposit slips he had were fake.

Hendrik Pin reported his case to the police and the court, after he had not previously questioned the fate of his deposit, which did not bear fruit.

Deputy Chairman of the Communication and Education Commission of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN), Firman Turmantara Endipradja said the provisions apply if the Bank BNI proven negligent in carrying out procedures, resulting in customer losses.

“Article 1367 of the Civil Code states that a person is not only responsible for himself, but also for the mistakes of his employees,” said Firman, Friday, June 25, 2021.

As for the criminal, he said, the bank could not be involved if later found a person in the case. However, the bank cannot avoid civil sanctions. In fact, even though the perpetrators are from outside, Bank BNI can still be subject to sanctions if it is found that there is negligence from the management.

Even though the bank claimed the bill was fake, he said, the two customers made transactions officially with strong evidence.

Both of them even routinely check the deposited funds and print a passbook every month.

“If it is found that there are individuals who make fake deposit slips for the two customers. Still, that person is on behalf of himself as an employee of the Bank. BNI. The security of the bank in carrying out bank procedures is also questionable,” he explained.

“The existence of that person is under the leadership of the Bank” BNI itself, especially for example this person acting on behalf of himself as an employee of the Bank BNI, ”Said the Word.

In addition, Firman continued, the alleged involvement of the Bank BNI it could be revealed if the fact that there were instructions from the leadership of the bank to falsify deposit slips belonging to customers.

“So it can be seen in Article 61 of the Consumer Protection Act, the management of the company. The highest management is the leader, for example the director, or the commissioner for example,” said Firman.

According to him, the steps taken by the two customers by complaining to the police are considered legal steps.

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