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Biography | Gregor Mendel – Monk and Researcher

Gregor Johann Mendel was a monk Augustin Catholic, known for his work on the genetic using the peas. Mendel managed to elucidate how the characteristics genetics were passed down from parents to children at a time when cell division and the structure of the DNA structure were unknown
DNA is a very long molecule, composed of a succession of nucleotides attached to each other by phosphodiester bonds. There are four … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/e/6/5/e65f7c1212_95629_adn-definition.jpg “data-url =” https: / /www.futura-sciences.com/sante/definitions/medecine-adn-87/ “data-more =” Read more “>ADN. Sadly, Mendel’s work went unrecognized during his lifetime, but his results were undoubtedly critical to the development of genetics around the world.

Youth and studies by Gregor Mendel

Johann Mendel was born on July 20, 1822 in Moravia, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and was later integrated into the Czech Republic. The son of a farming couple, Mendel did not have a life of great luxury and his family had few resources to invest in his education. At the age of 21, he entered the monastery of the Order of St. Augustine in the town of Brunn (today called Brno) in order to obtain the adequate foundations for further studies. It was in this monastery that Johann was baptized under the name of Gregor.

At the monastery, Mendel conducted a series of educational activities and had access to a large amount of books from the local library. The naturalist and abbot Franz Cyril Napp was his mentor during this period and, in 1851, he decided to send his pupil for a two-year internship at the University of Vienna, where he studied the Theories established by physics s’ apply within well-defined frameworks.
La physique…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/8/9/6/896f032c90_91933_physique-def.jpg” data-url=”https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/physique-physique-15839/” data-more=”Lire la suite”>physique, mathematics and natural history. Without a doubt, this internship was essential for the development of his works, since he was able to broaden his knowledge in organic matter, nitrogenous matter, etc.
There are different families like:

organic matter, which constitutes living beings (animals or plants) or … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/e/7/0/e70ccaaf4a_91935_matiere. jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/matiere-matiere-15841/ “data-more =” Read more “>matter experimentation and mathematics.

When Mendel returned to Brunn, he taught at a local school, and thanks to Napp, who built a large greenhouse, he continued his studies in Vienna.

Pea research

Mendel’s most important and widely recognized work is the pea study. Its results were presented in two sessions to the Natural History Society of Brunn, in 1865.

Although it is a widely known work today, its recognition did not come until 35 years after its publication, when European researchers (Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns and Erich Tschermak-Seysenegg) rediscovered study independently by searching bibliographies for evidence that might support their own ideas about heredity. Mendel even sent his work to several of his peers, including Charles Darwin, but received no attention. Mendel died on January 6, 1884, before he received the recognition he was due.

In the monastery where he lived, Mendel conducted his famous pea studies, which lasted about seven years.

In his work, the researcher analyzed seven characteristics of the plant: the shape of the seeds, their Sometimes, the color … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal /7/9/5/7951943cc1_85596_couleur.jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/physique-couleur-4126/ “data-more =” Read more “>color, the shape of the pods, their color, the height of the plant, the color of the flowers and the position of the flowers on the plant. Mendel made crosses and analyzed the offspring very carefully and according to scientific criteria. He also analyzed his results mathematically, at a time when this association between mathematics and biology was not common.

Mendel’s laws

In his time, we did not know about processes such as meiosis and the mitosis, DNA and chromosomes, and yet he was able to understand that there were factors guaranteeing heredity, even without knowing these processes.

  1. The first one Mendel’s law or law of segregation factors: each trait is determined by a pair of factors that segregate during the formation of gamete structures
    A gamete is a male or female germline (reproductive) cell produced by gametogenesis in the gonads. During this … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/e/e/8/ee8379463b_50034165_spermatozoide-ovule-dr-04.jpg “data-url = “https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/definitions/biologie-gamete-150/” data-more = “Read more”>gametes, in which they come in a single dose.
  2. Mendel’s second law or law of independent segregation: the factors determining the different characters are distributed independently to the gametes and combine at random.

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