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Biden is not as impulsive as Trump, his killer comments are Hollywood macho behavior


MOSCOW – In his first interview with a media outlet United States of America (USA) since 2018, President Russia Vladimir Putin dismissed allegations of “killer” from US President Joe Biden.

Putin called Biden’s accusations the stance of an established career politician.

Speaking with NBC News’ Keir Simmons in Moscow ahead of next Wednesday’s summit with Biden, Putin called the “killer” comments an expression of the “macho Hollywood” type of behavior.

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ABC news presenter and former Democratic Party aide George Stephanopoulos called Putin a “murderer” during an interview in mid-March, asking Biden if he would agree.

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“Mmm hmm, yes,” Biden replied. The 78-year-old then recounted the story of an alleged confrontation with the “soulless” Putin in 2011, which does not match the official records of the meeting.

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The US president has also been falsely accused of claiming to have met former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev on an earlier trip to Moscow, in 1979.

When Simmons accused Putin of killing critics, the Russian president called the question “verbal indigestion” and denied any connection to the deaths.

Putin pointed to relations between Washington and Moscow at their lowest point in years.

Neither the White House nor the Kremlin expressed high hopes that next week’s summit would change that.

The Russian president described former US President Donald Trump as a “colorful individual” who did not come from the establishment and “big mass politics” which is a fact whether people like him or not. “The current occupants of the White House are very different,” Putin said, according to RT.com.

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