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Beware, Sitting Too Long Causes Blood Clots

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Careful, sit too long can be very bad for health. Especially if you have blood disease, cancer, or inflammation.


Dilansir dari Her World, duduk lama akan mengakibatkan Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH), yang kemudian berdampak pembekuan darah di paru-paru yang menyumbat arteri. Penggumpalan darah itu bisa terbentuk di kaki selama duduk lama atau istirahat lama.

Menurut asisten profesor Victor Chao, konsultan senior di Departemen Bedah Kardiotoraks di Pusat Jantung Nasional Singapura, gejala CTEPH yang paling umum adalah sesak napas. Beberapa orang mungkin juga merasa lemas atau lelah. Kondisi ini biasanya didiagnosis melalui ekokardiogram, CT scan, atau pemindaian ventilasi-perfusi, dan endarterektomi paru. Endarterektomi adalah operasi untuk menghilangkan penggumpalan darah lama dari arteri paru di paru-paru.


“Ini memiliki hasil jangka panjang terbaik karena gumpalan diangkat melalui pembedahan dari tubuh. Pilihan lain termasuk angioplasti paru balon atau perawatan medis,” kata Chao.

Angioplasty is surgery that uses a balloon to open blood vessels that have become chronically narrowed or blocked. He added that during the procedure, the patient is under general anesthesia and fitted with a heart-lung support machine, there is a risk of death, stroke, bleeding, infection and kidney failure.

“But since training at Papworth Hospital in the UK, we have performed this operation for 13 patients and all survived.”

He also gives some tips on how to avoid CTEPH. Avoid prolonged sitting or bed rest. Try to get up and move around at least once an hour, maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking.

Also read: Beware, Sitting For Long Because Work Causes Joint Pain

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