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Besides Milk, Here Are 5 Healthy Foods Rich In Calcium

Kitakini.news Calcium is one of the important minerals that are important for the body because it has a myriad of benefits. One of the most common sources of calcium is milk. But unfortunately, not everyone likes or can consume milk. Because, some conditions such as food intolerance or allergies, can be caused by milk.

However, you don’t need to worry, because calcium intake can still be obtained through the consumption of several healthy foods other than milk. Launch page hellodochere’s the list:

Healthy Food Contains High Calcium

1. Almonds

Almonds are included as nuts that contain high calcium. In a serving of almonds, about one ounce (28 grams) can provide 6% of the body’s daily calcium needs.

Not only high in calcium, every 28 grams of almonds also contains about 3.5 grams of healthy fiber, fat and protein. In addition, almonds are also a source of magnesium, manganese, and vitamin E.

2. Know

In addition to being a good source of vegetable protein, tofu is also a good source of calcium for the body. Even so, the calcium content in tofu can vary. This will depend on the density of the tofu and the producer who makes it.

If you want to get the benefits of calcium, be sure to read the label carefully. Choose tofu that contains the calcium salt that manufacturers use as a coagulant.

3. Ubi

Types of sweet potatoes, such as sweet potatoes, can also be an alternative source of calcium besides milk. Because, a large sweet potato contains about 68 milligrams of calcium. In fact, these tubers are also rich in potassium, vitamins A and C.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is good for the body. For example, such as helping to reduce the risk of cancer, inhibiting the premature aging process, to maintaining eye health. In addition, sweet potatoes also have a low fat and calorie content. So, you can include these foods in your daily menu.

Broccoli and Edamame

4. Edamame

You can make this one food as a healthy snack to help lose weight. One cup of cooked edamame (about 155 grams) contains 8% of the daily calcium requirement. In addition to being high in calcium, edamame is also rich in essential amino acids.

5. Broccoli

Eating vegetables, such as broccoli, has been proven to have various health benefits. One of them is lowering the risk of cancer. In addition, broccoli is also included as a vegetable that is high in calcium content. Because, in a cup of frozen broccoli contains about 87 milligrams of calcium.

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