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Benefits of Radioisotopes in Healthcare

CELEBESMEDIA.ID: Makassar – The use of radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes is not only used in industry, energy and agriculture, but also in the world of health. Radioisotopes are used to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of several medical conditions. In addition, radioisotopes are also used for practical and effective sterilization of medical devices.

A radioisotope is any of several species of the same chemical element with different masses and unstable nuclei that dissipate excess energy by spontaneously emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma. More than 1,800 radioactive isotopes of various elements are known. Some are found in nature, while the rest are produced artificially.

There are several sources of radioactive isotopes. Some radioactive isotopes are present as terrestrial radiation, such as radium, thorium, and uranium which are found in rocks and soil. Other radioactive isotopes are produced by humans through nuclear reactions.

Radioisotopes are widely used in the world of health, one of which is to help diagnose diseases. In using a radiopharmaceutical for diagnosis, a radioactive dose is administered to the patient and the activity in the organ can then be studied either as a two-dimensional image or, using tomography, as a three-dimensional image.

Radioactive tracers are also used to check blood flow to the brain, liver, lung, heart, or kidney function, to assess bone growth, and to confirm other diagnostic procedures.

In addition, radioisotopes are used for medical therapy, especially in cancer. Short-range radiotherapy, or brachytherapy, is the main therapy that is often used in medicine. This therapy is generally used to treat thyroid cancer and some other types of cancer. This therapy involves implanting a small radiation source, usually a gamma or beta emitter, in the target area to control or eliminate cancer cell growth.

Another benefit of radioisotopes in the world of health is for practical and effective sterilization of medical equipment. Sterilization using radioisotopes is mainly done on tools that are difficult to reach by ultraviolet light or heat.

By utilizing radioisotopes, the world of health can help diagnose and treat several medical conditions more effectively and efficiently. The development of science and technology is increasingly providing benefits to human life and helping to overcome various problems in the world of health. ***

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