Home » today » Health » Beit Al-Shabab Hospital Announces Intention to Close Dialysis Center for “Technical Reasons”

Beit Al-Shabab Hospital Announces Intention to Close Dialysis Center for “Technical Reasons”

Once again, Beit Al-Shabab Hospital announced its intention to close the dialysis center for “technical reasons,” which did not convince patients, considering that it is not the first time that the hospital administration has announced this matter, knowing that the decision was signed on 18 of this month, without setting a final date for its implementation.

While one of the patients reported, via Al-Nashra, that the issue is related to financial costs, as the hospital administration considers that the coverage provided by the Ministry of Health or the National Social Security Fund is insufficient, even though it receives an additional amount from patients, indicating that the problem is It is difficult to transfer patients to new centers, due to the refusal of most hospitals to do so, which puts them in a state of concern that they may be left without follow-up, if the hospital implements its decision.

On the other hand, the head of the hospital, Father Badie Al-Hajj, explained in a statement to Al-Nashra that what is required is to carry out reforms in the center that require closing it for about a year and not doing it in a way that would pose a danger to patients, indicating that he sought to do this without going to such a decision, but He did not succeed in this, explaining that one of the necessary conditions for the center’s existence is the availability of an intensive care department, which is not available in the hospital.

Father Al-Hajj indicated that this matter had been reported to the Ministry of Public Health and the National Social Security Fund, as the responsibility falls on them to secure other centers for patients, pointing out that the number is about 25 people, only 3 of whom are from nearby places, and therefore it is possible to treat them. This subject.

In response to a question about other hospitals’ refusal to receive patients, Al-Hajj pointed out that the guarantor authorities can force them to do so, and therefore they cannot refuse.

For its part, follow-up sources explained, via Al-Nashra, that the main issue is that the hospital has a problem with the guarantors, pointing out that the intensive care department in the hospital has been closed for years, while repairs can be carried out without having to close the center. While the main question remains about the reasons for receiving new patients in the recent period, as long as it has a tendency toward closure.

In turn, the Director of Medical Care at the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Joseph Al-Helou, indicated in an interview with Al-Nashra that the Ministry has not been officially informed of the decision yet, pointing out that the reason is the hospital’s desire to carry out reforms, but he pointed out that verbal notification is not sufficient as He asked the hospital administration to send a written letter to that effect, including a two-month period to secure patients in other centers.

As for the responsibility of the guarantor bodies, including the Ministry of Health, in securing alternative centers, Dr. Al-Helou said: “We will all cooperate for this.”

2023-09-27 10:04:10

#Concern #among #patients #Beit #Chabab #Hospital #announced #intention #close #dialysis #center

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