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Barbie Botox trend takes social media by storm – Risks and consequences revealed

Seems to be a success The new Barbie movie in cinemasAround the world, it does not depend only on me just watching the movie, as it has come to the field of plastic surgery.

Beauty centers and clinics have recently begun documenting their injections of girls and women with Botox under the hashtag “Barbie Botox”, which recently gained millions of views on the TikTok platform.

Originally intended to be targeted Botox injections are the treatment of overworked muscles In the upper back area, in order to get rid of what it causes from migraine and neck spasm. Botox injections contain a substance that prevents muscles from moving for a limited time, which is why they are used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. But it can also be used to treat other issues such as neck spasms, sweating, an overactive bladder, lazy eye, and more, according to the Mayo Clinic website.

However, it has recently turned into a mere cosmetic procedure that receives widespread attention on social media, with the aim of reducing the size of the shoulders and lengthening the neck, according to CNN.

Girls and women decided to try Botox injections with the aim of “like Barbie” and published pictures and videos to show the results of the cosmetic procedure, in which one of them had to undergo injections 40 times.

The number of Botox injections used varies according to the size of the muscles, and its effect is supposed to last for 4 or 6 months, according to Forbes. However, Botox injections for cosmetic purposes are not without risks and health consequences that may accompany it.

And Acharya warned that an error during the injection process or receiving an incorrect dose of Botox “could lead to complete paralysis of the muscle,” and that the substance used could sometimes move from the injected muscle, which could weaken nerves in other surrounding muscles. .

Note from the editor: It is recommended to consult a doctor about possible damages before injecting Botox

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Argan oil.. liquid gold

The recipe for natural beauty in Morocco, and it is extracted from the almonds of the argan tree. It contains a large percentage of “antioxidants and many vitamins, the most important of which are vitamin E and omega 6, which nourish hair and skin. It has been used since ancient times to treat skin problems such as acne and wrinkles, scalp and hair problems, in addition to the problem of cracked nails. Oil intended for cosmetic purposes is prepared in a different way from that intended for food consumption.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Tea tree oil.. the natural antiseptic

Used as an antiseptic by Australian soldiers in World War I, tea tree oil is safe when applied topically and is inexpensive. Studies have shown the effectiveness of tea tree oil in treating many problems, such as acne, getting rid of dandruff, and then treating ringworm. It also proved its effectiveness in repelling insects and resisting the growth of mold on vegetables and fruits. Tea tree oil cannot be taken orally, when swallowed it has serious health effects.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Avocado oil.. Powerful skin treatment

It has several benefits in terms of skin and skin care, as avocado oil contains “omega-3” fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. This is why it is a key ingredient in many creams, moisturizers and sunscreens. Among its advantages is that it is an antioxidant, relieves psoriasis and eczema infections, accelerates wound healing, and treats skin damaged by sunburn.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Rose oil.. women’s favorite

Effective in moisturizing facial skin and rebalancing imbalanced moisture levels in the skin. It helps protect the skin from sunlight, helps treat sunburn, and fights wrinkles. It is one of the oils known for its ability to modify any hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. It is also effective in fighting various infections thanks to its soothing and antimicrobial properties.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Prickly pear oil..more precious than gold

A rare and precious oil, obtained from the seeds of a type of cactus, the prickly pear, which grows in the Mediterranean basin. This oil, according to the French health magazine “Doctissimo”, is very rich in sterols, “omega 6” and vitamin “E”, and is ideal for fighting wrinkles and caring for hair and skin. It is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry skin. It also remarkably nourishes and treats hair damage, strengthens nails and gives them shine.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Olive oil.. our daily companion

Olive oil moisturizes hair and skin, and nourishes both nails and bones. There are many recipes in which olive oil is used to moisturize, strengthen and increase its thickness, and other recipes for both skin and nails as well. Studies have shown that olive oil contains many unsaturated fats that are beneficial for heart health, and antioxidants that help protect blood cells from damage.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Coconut oil.. effective for health and beauty

It is extracted from the oil-rich coconut, and its parts are used in baking pastries and making foods. It has very positive repercussions on skin health and hydration, hair strengthening and luster, as well as its effectiveness in soothing some digestive symptoms such as irritable bowel disease and indigestion problems. In addition to its benefits on teeth and gums.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Chamomile oil.. for mental and physical health

It is extracted from the chamomile flower by distillation and has been used for thousands of years for many purposes for health, hair and skin. It is considered one of the important herbs that have many different uses, and its oil contains many beneficial properties for health. As it has been scientifically proven that it prevents cancer, contributes to pain relief, and improves the functions of the digestive system, and just inhaling it contributed to getting rid of depression. It also nourishes hair and skin in a remarkable way.

Pictures.. Natural oils that keep you away from cosmetics and medicines!

Rosemary oil.. a cure for many diseases

It has many benefits, including cleansing the body of toxins, due to its ability to affect the liver and bile juice. It has also proven useful in treating baldness and alopecia and re-germinating hair. An experiment conducted on a group of men with hereditary baldness found that when they massaged their heads with a diluted mixture of rosemary oil twice a day for several consecutive months, it had an effect similar to the effect of Minoxidil, which is usually used to treat baldness.

2023-08-21 09:58:30

#Obsession #beauty #prompts #girls #Botox #Barbie #risks

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