Home » today » Entertainment » Barbara D’Urso, the video with the breast outside broadcast in prime time on Rai1. She is furious: “Without even darkening it …”

Barbara D’Urso, the video with the breast outside broadcast in prime time on Rai1. She is furious: “Without even darkening it …”

Barbara D’Urso, the video with the breast outside broadcast in prime time on Rai1. She is furious: “Without even darkening it …». As reported by the Fattoquotidiano, on August 30th in the Techetechetè episode dedicated to the debuts of the stars on the small screen, an uncensored frame of a young Barbara D’Urso without a bra was broadcast. In an interview with the newspaper La Stampa, the host Mediaset commented on the incident.

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«I never get angry – he explains -. I haven’t seen it, it’s a program that I love very much, but my debut in Rai was certainly not an appearance as much as a prime time with Rita Pavone, as well as a program with Pippo Baudo. So I found it bizarre to put that piece of repertoire as my debut with my breasts in the wind and without even obscuring them as it would be right in prime time ». Then the dig: “We at Mediaset would never have done it».

As reported by the Fattoquotidiano, Barbara D’Urso’s tolpless was broadcast at 8.38 pm on Sunday 30 August, in an episode that set audience records, with over 4 million spectators and a share of 21.2 percent. The episode – an excerpt of a 1978 program taken from Teche Rai – it did not go unnoticed on social networks, where it was commented and shared by hundreds of users.

Last update: Saturday 5 September 2020, 11:22


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