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Baden-Württembergs Ministerpräsident kritisiert öffentlichen Streit der Ampelregierung in Berlin

Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann, has once again criticized the bickering Ampel government in Berlin. “If we treated each other like this in Baden-Württemberg, my coalition wouldn’t last longer than six weeks,” Kretschmann said in an interview with the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Saturday). He urged the Ampel coalition to contain their public disputes and resolve controversies internally. “When those who are supposed to act constantly argue, the public gets the feeling that nothing is progressing,” said the Green Party politician. “People then no longer perceive any successes.”

Kretschmann also sees the coalition’s behavior as a significant reason for the recent successes of the far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD). The AfD won a district administrator position for the first time last Sunday in Sonneberg, Thuringia.

The ongoing public disputes within the Ampel government have raised concerns about the coalition’s ability to effectively govern and deliver on their promises. Kretschmann’s criticism highlights the importance of maintaining unity and resolving conflicts behind closed doors to maintain public trust and confidence.

The AfD’s recent victory in Sonneberg serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of a divided and ineffective government. It underscores the need for the Ampel coalition to address their internal issues and focus on delivering results for the German people.

The Ampel coalition, consisting of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Green Party, and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), must heed Kretschmann’s warning and work towards resolving their differences in order to regain public support and prevent further gains by the far-right.

The success of any government lies in its ability to work together and effectively address the needs and concerns of its citizens. The Ampel coalition must prioritize unity and cooperation to ensure a stable and productive government for the benefit of all Germans.
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How does Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann, view the impact of public disputes on the perception of progress?

Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann, has once again expressed his dissatisfaction with the ongoing disputes within the Ampel government in Berlin. In an interview with the “Augsburger Allgemeine,” Kretschmann criticized the constant bickering and urged the coalition to resolve their conflicts internally.

According to Kretschmann, if such behavior were tolerated in Baden-Württemberg, his own coalition would not survive longer than six weeks. He emphasized the negative impact of public disputes on the perception of progress, stating that when those in power constantly argue, the public loses faith and no longer sees any achievements.

Furthermore, Kretschmann believes that the coalition’s behavior is one of the key reasons for the recent success of the far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD). As evidenced by AfD’s recent victory in Sonneberg, Thuringia, Kretschmann warns that a divided and ineffective government could lead to further gains by the far-right.

The concerns raised by Kretschmann reflect the importance of unity and effective governance within the Ampel coalition. To regain public trust and prevent further success for right-wing parties, the coalition must address their internal issues and focus on delivering tangible results for the German people.

Ultimately, the success of any government hinges on its ability to work together and address the concerns of its citizens. The Ampel coalition, consisting of the SPD, Green Party, and FDP, must take Kretschmann’s warning to heart and prioritize unity and cooperation to ensure a stable and productive government for the benefit of all Germans.

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