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bad news for young daddy

Pregnant with their second child, Jessica Thivenin had asked her husband to go on the set of Marseillais vs Le Reste du Monde. If Leewane’s mom wasn’t allowed to move, she wanted her husband to take advantage before their daughter arrived. It is therefore with great joy that Maylone’s daddy had joined his fellow Marseillais, while having a prepaid phone with him on which Jessica could contact him in case of emergency.

Unfortunately, an incident occurred during filming and Thibault Garcia suffered a leg injury. Worried to see that he continues to limp two months after the end of filming, the young daddy decided to have an MRI. A wise decision. “Little story, yesterday morning I went for an MRI because I was injured in Les Marseillais. It’s been two months since the shoot was finished and I’m actually limping a bit, so I thought there might be a problem, ”he explained on Snapchat.

The sentence fell, l’ex de Shanna Kress suffers from a ruptured cruciate ligaments. And that’s not all ! “I actually have a ruptured anterior cruciate ligaments, as well as the broken meniscus, as well as water and cysts in my leg,” he listed. Bad news for the Marseillais. “There, I have a dislocated knee in fact and I’ve been walking with it for two months. I’m going to have to have an operation. I’m going to have to hold out like this until Dubai because I’m going to have an operation there. It is not joy ”, (…)

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