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Back to class, Minister Azzolina writes to local authorities: “Collaborate, do more in view of September”

“Collaborate” is the keyword used by the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina in a letter sent on 12 August last to the local authorities, to be precise to the president of Anci Antonio Decaro, to the number one of the provinces, Michele De Pascale, and published today by ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’.

An appeal to local authorities to do more to allow the school to reopen safely in September.

“Therefore, all local authorities are asked – writes the minister in the key passage of the document that ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’ could have – a last but important and decisive effort to collaborate with school managers and regional school offices within the regional tables and to define any further needs or to report difficulties in the context of the procedure that will be activated in the coming days for the assignment of the additional resources allocated with the latest decree law for the rents of real estate or for the rental and purchase of modular structures “.

“We are practically the only ones – explains Azzolina – in Europe to have worked on distancing by putting more staff, money for construction work, benches, to have additional space. And we continue to do so. Many local authorities have found the spaces, others are further behind but they have all the means to do so: resources and special powers ”.

The minister also claimed in this letter all the efforts made for local authorities: from 330 million structural funds dedicated to so-called “light” construction, up to the additional 30 million assigned in early August, provided for by the Relaunch decree and intended to all provinces and metropolitan cities. Finally, the resources of the last August decree.

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