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Back to class, here’s what will happen at school in case of contagion. The 10 steps to follow

The document, drawn up by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, regarding the indications for the management of cases and outbreaks from Sars-Cov-2 in schools is coming. The objective of the document is to provide operational support for the preparation, monitoring and response to potential outbreaks from Covid-19.

In the event of a symptomatic pupil, the teacher notifies the school referent for Covid-19, the contact person calls the parents of the pupil, the minor is taken to an isolation room in the company of an adult wearing a protective mask. The parents take the boy home and notify the family doctor and pediatrics.

Subsequently the doctor informs the ASL and the swab is carried out. If the swab is positive the school referent provides the ASL with the names of students and teachers who were in contact with the symptomatic 48 hours before the onset of symptoms. The class and teachers will be quarantined for 14 days from the day of the last contact with the pupil. The classrooms will be sanitized.

The pupil who tested positive will be able to return to class only after healing or after two negative swabs 24 hours apart.

If there is a high number of absences in a class (at least 30-40%), the school representative must notify the ASL. If an entire class is quarantined, distance learning is activated.

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