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Back stretching exercises | Mix

Ammon – Here is a set of exercises that you can do to strengthen and tighten the back muscles. Strong muscles in the back are important for maintaining straightness and healthy daily functions. You can easily perform these exercises at home:

Trunk raise exercise:
1. Lie on the floor on your stomach with your feet extended.
2. Put your hands next to your head and pin them by your ears.
3. Use your back muscles to lift your body slightly off the ground, while keeping your neck straight.
4. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower.
5. Repeat the exercise several times.

Cat and cow exercise:
1. Begin by standing on your hands and knees in a planting position.
2. While breathing deeply, raise your head and bend the back upward (cow pose).
3. As you breathe out, arch your back upwards and push your head toward the floor (cat’s pose).
4. Repeat this movement slowly to stretch and strengthen the back muscles.

Side view practice:
1. Standing upright, bend sideways to the right and extend your right hand upward.
2. Bend sideways to the left and extend your left hand upward.
3. Repeat this movement for each side several times.

Back pressure exercise:
1. Stand up straight and hold your hands behind your back.
2. Gently press your hands back while still standing upright.
3. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the original position.
4. Repeat the exercise several times.

Remember to always perform the exercises gently and without excessive stress. If you suffer from any health problems or back pain, it is preferable to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise program.

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