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Baby’O Nightclub: A Legendary Acapulco Hotspot and its Owner

“Do not blame the night! “Don’t blame the beach!” is part of one of the most popular songs by singer Luis Miguel, who visited Baby’O on several occasions. It is one of the most emblematic nightclubs in Acapulco, Guerrero, but have you wondered who the owner is?

Baby’O is a nightclub that opened its doors in the seventies and was characterized by being one of the most popular places to party in Acapulco. It was visited by various celebrities such as Luis Miguel, Elizabeth Taylor, Sylvester Stallone, among others.

At the end of October, Baby’O joined the list of clubs affected by the passage of the natural phenomenon ‘Otis’ that made landfall in Acapulco as a category five hurricane and devastated different establishments such as hotels.

When was Baby’O inaugurated?

According to its 2016 website, Baby’O opened in 1976 and was named after a song by actor and singer Dean Martin of the same name.

“The nightclub opened its doors for the first time to offer its services to the national and international public, thus a dream and a great effort by two young enthusiasts came to fruition,” says the club’s platform.

The magazine QUI points out that these two young people to whom the site refers are businessmen Eduardo Césarman and Rafael Villafañe, who at 18 years old managed to open the club. In the beginning of the establishment, the owners struggled with low attendance and were only visited by close friends.

However, one summer in 1977 when Acapulco was full of foreigners, Baby’O gained popularity with huge parties.

“One day we said ‘let’s have a pure blowout, get them drunk, get them wet in the jacuzzi.’ We close doors and warn: ‘no one leaves until six in the morning,'” Césarman explained in conversation with Who magazine.

Since then they were visited by international and national artists such as Luis Miguel, who was one of the most frequent clients who went to party at that nightclub.

“Luis Miguel was a fan of Baby’O at the beginning of his career, he came very often,” Carlos Hernández, marketing manager of the establishment, commented in an interview with EFE in 2017.

Who owns the Baby’O nightclub?

Although Baby’O was initially opened by two people, currently only Eduardo Césarman appears as the owner.

In different procedures, such as registration renewal (2002) and revocation of representative (2010), which are found on the Marcanet site of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), only Césarmen is mentioned as the owner of the trademark.

In 2008, Eduardo Césarmen became the president of the Tigres Rojos de Veracruz, a team that no longer exists since 2023.

Although the businessman has stayed away from the spotlight of public life, according to Who, in 2022 he was arrested at the Mexico City airport for the alleged crime of aggravated alimony obligation.

Who has gone to Baby’O?

In addition to entertainment figures such as Geena Davis, Tony Curtis, Julio Iglesias, Sylvester Stallone, Bono, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jordan, Luis Miguel, among others, Baby’O was also visited by organized crime personalities.

According to the fifth chapter of the book Emma and the other ladies of the narco (2021), an investigation by journalist Anabel Hernández, people like Édgar Valdez Villarreal, whose nickname is ‘La Barbie’, also went to the club.

“As she spent most of her time in Acapulco, ‘La Barbie’ became a VIP client of fashionable places, the legendary Baby’O nightclub, Paladium and Classico in Las Brisas-Guitarrón,” you can read in the book.

What happened to Baby’O?

Although the Baby’O club continues its work, in recent years it has suffered considerable damage to its structure.

At the end of September 2021, a time when the site was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Baby’O caught fire in an accident that left a worker intoxicated and material damage.

It was not until November of the following year that the nightclub managed to open its doors to the public in Acapulco, Guerrero. Although there was a suspicion that the fire could have been set, this was what the owner said the day they opened the doors of Baby’O.

“There was nothing new in the investigations being carried out on the attack against the property, and in reality it is something that does not interest them much because it has already happened and everyone wants it to be left behind.”

At the end of October of this year, the nightclub suffered damage again due to the passage of Hurricane ‘Otis’ and it is unknown when it will reopen. Through its social networks, Baby’O published a message in support of Acapulco.

“Let’s go Acapulco, let’s get pretty!” wrote one of Luis Miguel’s favorite clubs on his Facebook account.

2023-11-02 23:11:24
#owner #BabyO #Luis #Miguels #favorite #nightclub #damaged #Hurricane #Otis

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