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Baba Wanga’s Ominous Prophecies for 2024: Terrorist Attacks, Economic Crisis, and Putin’s Assassination

The prophecies of Wangelia Pandeva Gushterova, better known as Baba Wanga, are legendary. The “Seer von Petritsch” has also made a series of forecasts for 2024 that promise a gloomy year.

The year 2024 is only a few weeks away and many people can hardly wait for the turn of the year, given the past months marked by wars and crises. However, it is doubtful that 2024 will be more peaceful than its predecessor, as a look at the mystical predictions of the most famous clairvoyant since Nostradamus suggests.

Baba Wanga divinations for 2024: Blind seer with devastating predictions

The woman who left her cryptic prophecies dating back to the year 3797 is none other than Wangelia Pandewa Gushterova, better known as Baba Wanga. The daughter of poor farmers, who was born in 1911 in what is now North Macedonia and died in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1996, left behind a series of prophecies that still seem to have disturbing relevance today.

Baba Wanga prophesies: Humanity will be hit by terrorist attacks, biological weapons attacks, and economic crisis

The “Seer von Petritsch” also made some worrying predictions for the year 2024. The British “Mirror” has a number of relevant forecasts Baba Wangas summarized for the year that is just around the corner and may have completely spoiled the desire for the turn of the year for some people. Baba Wanga’s forecasts are not optimistic, as the forecasts say that humanity will have to deal with a significant increase in terrorist attacks in 2024. According to Baba Wanga, “a large country” should also test biological weapons on a large scale and use them for attacks. To perfect the mood of crisis, Baba Wanga left a prediction before her death that 2024 would be a huge one Economic crisis will bring the global economy to its knees.

Baba Wanga predicts Vladimir Putin’s death after fatal assassination attempt

According to the “Seer von Petritsch”, environmental catastrophes and the worsening of the climate crisis will also be a permanent presence in 2024. In her prophecies, Baba Wanga blamed this, among other things, on a change in the sun’s path. Another prophecy by the “Seer of Petritsch” is particularly likely Wladimir Putin displeased: Baba Wanga sees the Kremlin despot as fatal in 2024 Attack fall victim to. What’s more: According to Baba Wanga, the person who is trying to kill Vladimir Putin and will successfully carry out the plan to assassinate Putin’s life also comes from Russia.

Tiny glimmer of hope for 2024: Baba Wanga predicts these encouraging things

At least there is a small glimmer of hope in Baba Wanga’s prophecies: in 2024, humanity can expect a positive breakthrough in the world of medicine. A new therapeutic path will finally be opened up for previously incurable diseases such as Alzheimer’s and, according to Baba Wanga, medicine will also reach a new milestone in the fight against cancer. According to Baba Wanga’s further vision, there will also be significant progress in the field of technology, more precisely in quantum computing, which could rapidly accelerate the development of artificial intelligence. The other side of the coin: Baba Wanga has predicted that cyber attacks will increase in 2024 and that criminal hackers will increasingly target vital infrastructure.

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2023-11-05 09:07:22
#Baba #Wanga #Divinations #Putin #Assassination #Terror #Attacks #humanity

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