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“Aura Kasih opens up about her anxiety disorder and social media use”


Aura Kasih admitted to having an anxiety disorder. So did he have time to fast playing social media?

“This is how I only post on social media and I rarely see it. Because actually I follow random people,” said Aura Kasih when met at the Trans7 studio.

However, Aura admitted that if she wants to use social media, she only sees content that contains elements of entertainment. He did not try to follow other people’s activities to compare with others.

“If you just want to watch it, just look for entertainment, if you want to watch the news, you only rarely follow other people’s activities. Mental issues arise when you look at other people’s lives first. So talk about yourself and compare yourself. The most important thing is that you have to be good at social media,” he said .

“If people ask if they know this gossip, they don’t know because I’ve never seen it. That’s all,” he added.

Apart from suffering from anxiety disorder, Aura admits that she needs to be self-aware. With self-awareness, he will be moved how to treat the mental disorder.

“It’s been a long time, the important thing is that we are aware that we are sick. If we are not aware that we are sick, how can we treat it. We have to know what we are like, how far we know ourselves. It tastes like stomach acid. Yes, the most important thing is to be aware that something is wrong within us,” he concluded.

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2023-05-21 13:05:47
#Idap #Anxiety #Disorder #Aura #Kasih #Fasting #Playing #Social #Media

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