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August decree, car incentives for 500 million euros to the sector

Stamped by the State Accounting Office on Thursday 13 August, the August decree converted into law is about to become operational. For the auto sector, the new regulation makes 500 million euros available. Of this sum, 410 million euros are earmarked for the refinancing (the first 50 million allocated with the Relaunch decree ended at the beginning of August) of incentives for the purchase of new cars with or without scrapping. The remaining 90, on the other hand, constitute a fund intended to finance individuals and companies who want to equip themselves with columns to recharge their electric vehicles.

Compared to the law approved on July 17 last the August decree changes the cards on the table by dividing the incentivized models into four bands instead of three, also changing the amounts of the incentives. On the other hand, the terms of the period in which these public stimuli are valid, until next December 31st, and the price limits of the cars concerned remain unchanged: 50,000 euros (excluding VAT) for electric and plug in hybrids belonging to the first and second bracket; 40,000 euros (again without VAT) for the models included in the third and fourth.

For the first two bands (from 0 to 20 g / km of CO2 and from 21 to 60 g / km of CO2) nothing changes about the amount of the bonus available to those who decide to buy these vehicles. Therefore, if you scrap a car with ten or more years (from registration) you can have up to 10,000 euros (6,000 euros without scrapping) of incentives for a BEV (battery electric vehicle) and up to 6,500 euros (3,500 without scrapping) for a PHEV (plug in hybrid electric vehicle).

In the third band (from 61 to 90 g / km of CO2), for a vehicle to be scrapped, the State provides 1,750 euros to which must be added 2,000 euros which the seller is obliged to recognize to the buyer. In practice, the discount on the turnkey price of the car of 3,750 euros, which becomes 2,000 in the absence of an “old iron” to be sent from the car wrecker.

Finally, in the fourth and last band, the public bonus drops to 1,500 euros, while those who sell must always ensure a further discount on the price of 2,000 euros. The total, thus, becomes 3,500 euros which drop to 1,750 euros without scrapping. Furthermore, the new law also reshapes the benefits for those who purchase a Euro 6 approved used vehicle by delivering an old Euro 0 or Euro 1 or Euro 2 or Euro 3 car for radiation.

A 5 million euro fund is set up to finance tax breaks (40% of the charges on the transfer of ownership are not paid), but the entry into force of this bonus depends on an implementing decree that must be issued (there is no deadline) by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF ).

One of the first reactions was a press release from Unrae (the association between the foreign companies operating in Italy) which recognizes the state effort, but adds some perplexity about the creation of the new fourth band and the allocation of financial limits for each band (100 million plus 50 million euros for the first two sections, 150 for the third and 100 for the fourth). The Unrae study center expects a rapid depletion of the funds available for the range from 91 to 110 g / km of CO2 where there are more than 110 models of conventional cars, a problem already highlighted by the president of Unrae, Michele Crisci, in a statement released last week at corriere.it. Furthermore, the association between the foreign houses expresses doubts about the impossibility of transferring any unused remains from one band to another.

14 August 2020 (change August 14, 2020 | 19:44)


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