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Attempts to cross the Lithuanian border illegally are becoming more common

Lithuanian border guards have already recorded more attempts to cross the border illegally today than in the past 24 days, Giedrjus Mišutis, a representative of the State Border Guard Service (SBGS), informed the news agency BNS.

On Tuesday, the border guards have already ordered 174 migrants who have tried to enter Lithuania illegally to return to Belarus, while 73 foreigners have not been allowed into Lithuania all day long.

“There are groups, there is movement. Not everyone is approaching today [robežai]”There are also those who resign,” said the representative of the SBGS.

According to him, the largest concentration of migrants has developed to the south of the border between Belarus, Poland and Lithuania. The situation is more tense than before, but no special riots have been recorded, Mišutis said.

The Lithuanian border guards have reportedly redeployed their forces in response to events on Belarus’s border with Poland, where thousands of migrants have gathered since Monday to try to dismantle the border fence to cross the Polish side.

Since August 3, when, according to the order of the Minister of the Interior Agnes Bilotaite, Lithuanian border guards started to force migrants to return, more than 6,000 foreigners have been banned from crossing the border in unauthorized places. From the beginning of the year until now, almost 4,200 illegal migrants have been detained in Lithuania.

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