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Atresmedia Receives A- Rating from CDP, Leading the Climate Commitment in Spain

Atresmedia has obtained an A- rating (the second best possible) from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the reference provider of climate notes. This grade represents an improvement compared to the previous year, when the media group obtained a B, and places it as the leader of the sector in Spain. The scores given by CDP are, from best to worst, A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D- and F. The A- rating that Atresmedia has received places this company ahead of Vocento and Prisa, which in both cases receive an F, the worst possible. Mediaset, for its part, obtains a B. Visit the specialized portal elEconomista ESG.

CDP is a non-profit organization that evaluates the commitment of companies to the fight against climate change. All of them may refuse to give you information, but the vast majority want to be qualified by this agency. To do this, they must respond to an extensive and meticulous questionnaire that includes detailed questions on 15 different topics, including “Energy”, “Carbon” or “Biodiversity”. It also incorporates differentiated questions for the various sectors of activity. In this edition, it has scored nearly 21,000 companies. The Ibex 35 places 10 of its listed companies among the global leaders in climate.

As stated by Atresmedia in a press release, “this rating responds to a series of measures carried out by Atresmedia that have been decisive in improving the score in the CDP. In this sense, the communication Group has been developing a Net Zero strategy since 2022. for the decarbonization of operations and has defined specific objectives for the reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions. In this line, Atresmedia submitted last year to the reference initiative SBTi (Science Based Targets) for its validation and verification. Also in 2023, it carried out an analysis of climatic-physical risks in all the Group’s assets and improved and optimized the calculation of the carbon footprint,” the company explained.

“Atresmedia’s commitment has been constant for a decade, progressing over these years until reaching the A- rating. Since 2021 it responded to the Taxonomy Regulation of the European Union (EU), identifying eligible activities aligned with the On the other hand, for years Atresmedia has opted for the purchase of renewable energy for its facilities, branches and emission centers, allowing a considerable reduction in scope 2 (indirect) emissions in 2023, years in which 93, 7% of the energy it consumed was of renewable origin,” they detailed.

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2024-02-16 09:58:09
#Atresmedia #obtains #climate #rating #sector #CDP

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