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Athletic trainer suspected of abuse is not aware of any harm NOW

Athletic trainer Jerry M., who is on trial for sex crimes on Thursday, has denied in court Thursday that he has abused underage girls. He saw no harm in buying lingerie for them and sleeping in one bed with them.

The 59-year-old man is being prosecuted for four sex crimes committed between 2000 and 2009. It was about sexual acts with girls at the time who were entrusted to his care.

In April 2006, M. would have massaged the breasts of a fourteen-year-old girl during a training course in Lloret de Mar in Spain. That happened in the double bed where the two slept together, while the girl was not wearing any outerwear.

M. denies the abuse. He says that he did massage her back, shoulders and chest muscles: “I wanted to get rid of her complaints.” According to M., the fact that the two slept together in a bed was without ulterior motives.

M. bought lingerie for pupil

Another victim says that M. forced her to kiss him during a training period in France and in Rotterdam. He would also have put a hand on her buttock during a walk in Scheveningen.

This is also denied. “I didn’t kiss her,” M. repeated several times. “I have never been to Scheveningen.” He admitted that he had bought lingerie for the girl, but he said he did without ulterior motives: “I liked that.”

Two sisters say that M. grabbed them from behind in such a way that they could feel his genitals. That would have happened during a training where they practiced the starting position for running. M. says that there was no question of cross-border behavior. That he held them tightly, “belonged”.

For all suspicions there are also supporting statements from teammates of the victims.

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The investigation into M. was started after The Telegraph in January last year reported that M. between 1982 and May 2017 abused various girls from eleven to eighteen years, at several sports clubs.

M. had to appear before the Institute for Sports Law (ISR) on the basis of these suspicions and then confessed his actions.

Because in many of these cases there is a time limit, M. is eventually prosecuted for four cases of abuse. These girls reported in 2019, mostly because they discovered that they were not the only ones.

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