Home » today » Entertainment » Astro’n’out Surprise Release of “Vēstules” Cover with Mara Upmanes-Holstein and Shipsea at Arena Riga

Astro’n’out Surprise Release of “Vēstules” Cover with Mara Upmanes-Holstein and Shipsea at Arena Riga

At the end of a very busy year, the group “Astro’n’out” has prepared a little surprise for its listeners by releasing the version of the song “Vēstules” by the group “Baložu pilni pagalmi” performed by Mara Upmanes-Holstein and Shipsea.

The cover version of the song “Vēstules” was played for the first time on stage in the public performance of “Astro’n’out” and Shipsea in November as an unexpected surprise at the “astronauts” big concert “Arena Riga”. This live performance recording is now available on YouTube and major music streaming sites.

The performance of the song at the arena concert was inspired by the video, which previously gained the response of many followers on the social network “Instagram”, in which Māra and Šipīti perform a fragment of this song in a playful match. “I happened to notice a reel video of Shipsea playing a cover of the song “Letters” that always means so much to me. I was spontaneous, emotional and couldn’t help but respond with the video version, because he had got into my song in his feelings! This accidental gesture set in motion a completely natural wave that led to the arena concert and continues to lead further,” says Māra Upman-Holštein.

“I have a feeling that Mara and I have been talking through music for a long time – sending each other letters through our songs. Now we have finally sat down with the same letter paper and written a joint thank-you to the carrier pigeon Māris Švern, whose music we both love very much,” echoes Shipsea.

But the leader of the group “Balozhu pilni pagalmi” Maris Schwern poetically responds to this letter from Mara and Shipsea: “Handwrite me, yours, hers, hers, theirs, our handwriting yesterday, today, tomorrow… always.”

“The group “Astro’n’out” expresses its gratitude to all its supporters, fans and followers, who helped to spend an unforgettable powerful year,” says the “astronauts” team. The year 2023 will go down in the band’s history not only as the twentieth anniversary of “Astro’n’out”, but also with the creation of the seventh studio album “777”, with the successful release of Mara’s autobiographical book “Notes on the Edge of Doubt”, with four new singles (“Manifesto” , “777”, “Elimēts”, “Longing calls”), which have taken a stable position in the rotation of radio stations and on digital streaming sites, as well as with the biggest “Astro’n’out” solo concert “Arena Rīga”.

2023-12-29 19:48:23

#Astronout #releases #version #Letters #Shipsea

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