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Arthur-Pjanic, Barça fans in revolt: “Juve affair”

«From an economic point of view, this is a spectacular operation». Dumbfounded by the need to put the accounts in order before the budget closes tomorrow, the executives of the Barcelona they have not yet understood that statements of this type generate a strong feeling of frustration within the Blaugrana supporters. Except for those few, very few, that Arthur they would have packed it and sold it for some time, the culé social group took as a low blow the agreement reached by their club with Juventus and which provides for the transfer of Miralem Pjanic at Camp Nou and that of the footballer who had been labeled the new Xavi at the Stadium. And not because there are doubts about the technical-tactical qualities of the Bosnian midfielder. Indeed, those who criticize the work of the Catalan leadership, highlights how, underlining exclusively the economic aspect, we end up implying that from a sports point of view it was the Italian champions who made a deal. The outburst of Jordi Grau, one of the main journalists of Catalan public television (TV3), should be interpreted in this sense: «The only logic of this operation is financial. Just think of the age difference between the player who arrives and the one who leaves to understand how Barça is managed from a sporting point of view ». […]

The anger of the fans

As we said, however, the Spanish public opinion is not the only one to express its perplexities. The results of the survey “Do you agree to the sale of Arthur for 70 million euros?” proposed by Sport to the readers of its website leave little doubt: almost 80% answered “no”. A clear litmus test of the bitter taste left in the “culerada”. And yes, because in the application there is no reference to the exchange with Pjanic, but only and exclusively to Arthur’s farewell. The former Blaugrana midfielder Ramón Calderé (at Barça from 1981 to 1988) also asked to increase the dose, asking himself on Twitter: «What? What are we doing? Where we are? Where are we going? I do not understand anything”.

Read the full article on today’s edition of Tuttosport

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