Home » today » Entertainment » Arie Boomsma responds to column Youp van ‘t Hek, but does not see the irony of his own statements

Arie Boomsma responds to column Youp van ‘t Hek, but does not see the irony of his own statements

It is almost unbelievable what happens here! Arie Boomsma was called a ‘rascal’ by Youp van ‘t Hek because of his support for a boycott of Veronica Inside. Boomsma took the effort to respond this time and shows that he has a beam in his eye from here to there. Great fun to dissect that!
Total drop cock Norbert ter Hall went to all advertisers to ask why they still wanted to continue to offer a stage to someone who spread racism and hatred. Because that is how linkies package the restriction of freedom of speech these days. Even Youp van ‘t Hek went too far and (also) made the comparison with the NSB. As far as Youp is concerned, Arie Boomsma also belonged to the same camp.

Boomsma wraps his reaction in a nice ‘luckily you can say anything in this country’, but then the monkey quickly turns up:

“(…) but states that it is allowed to call ‘me, and other people who open their mouths when someone shouts racist things, an NSB’er.” “You may miss the irony in that comment. A white, right-wing part of society that struggles with minorities because of skin color or orientation. White people throwing themselves around with terms like ‘virtue’ and the German ‘Gutmensch’. ””

There is certainly someone who completely misses the irony Arie, and it is not Youp!

Boomsma accuses the comedian of silencing people in this way. “Then hope together that people with an uneasy opinion will be silent for fear of being discussed, flooded with anger that in most cases actually comes from somewhere else.” He said not to leave it at that. “But you know, if everyone is silent for fear of noticing, nothing ever changes. We can still mention that particular period in our history, when it was also kept silent while minorities passed by, but that is too easy. And yet respond today. Easy is usually not the right way. ”

“A white, right-wing section of society that struggles with minorities because of skin color or orientation.” Nice frame Arie! Take it a step further and call them fascist, xenophobic, racist, nazis or come up with another fun term to “Hope that people with an uneasy opinion will be silent from now on for fear of being discussed, flooded with anger that in most cases actually comes from somewhere else.”

How do you manage to think that all those ‘white people’ have trouble with someone’s color or orientation? Can’t it have something to do with the fact that a BLM or a KOZP immediately claim their right and accuse everyone and everything of racism if they don’t go along with their story?

I think that is the problem, that attitude of: ‘Zwarte Piet has to leave or you are a racist’. And: ‘You have the free choice to decide how Zwarte Piet will be changed, as long as it is changed. That is what people dislike. Zero discussion about Zwarte Piet, but ‘this is really not possible anymore’. Zero discussion about racism and discrimination, but ‘something has to change’. And Arie takes part casually, because as a ‘white man’ he does not know what it is like to experience racism. Because white people apparently have different brains and absolutely no empathy or anything.

Nice to see that Arie gets a cookie from her own dough. Although he will of course see it differently and Youp will soon also be an angry white man who is against equality and change. Boomsma will double down go and stay hard.

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