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Argentina will play the final against the Netherlands after beating Germany in the shoot-outs

fast paced Thus began the second semi-final with Germany taking only 28 seconds to get ahead on the scoreboard in the first penalty-corner he had and that he converted Hanna Granitzki. The Germans played brave and had a couple of great scoring chances. Selin Oruz y Elisa Grave to increase the advantage but without the previous success.

Argentina He also enjoyed several occasions until in the last action of the first quarter, an endless consultation with the video arbitration ended in a penalty-corner.

there, Agustin Gorzelana, With her seventh goal of the World Cup, all of them between penalty-corner and stroke, she scored the 1-1 and at the same time she became the tournament’s top solo scorer.

The second quarter started the same as the first, with Germany attacking and enjoying a couple of good chances that Succi broke up.

Argentina went from less to more and shortly before the intermission a great play by Sofia Toccalino found the stick Agustina Albertarrio to place the 1-2 in the equator of the semifinal.

Thes ‘Leon’ they were better in the third quarter but curiously it was Germany in the last second and thanks to a great goal from Charlotte Stapenhorst who scored and returned the equalizer to 2.

In the last quarter, Argentina had many chances, up to four penalty corners but Julia Sunday it stopped everything.

In the shoot-outs, the ‘Leonas’ scored 4 of the five shots with as many of Agustina Albertarrio, Delfina Thomé, Agostina Alonso and the definitive Rocio Sanchez. Germany only scored two.


4-Germany: Julia Sunday; Amelie Wortmann, Nike Lorenz, Anne Schröder, Lena Micheel, Charlotte Stapenhorst, Sonja Zimmermann, Pauline Heinz, Cecile Pieper, Viktoria Huse, Hanna Granitzki (Selin Oruz, Elisa Grave, Nathalie Kubalski, Pia Maertens Jette Fleschutz, Linnea Weidemann, Benedetta Wenzel)
6-Argentina: Belén Succi; Sofía Toccalino, Agustina Gorzelany (1), Agostina Alonso, Agustina Albertarrio (1), Maria José Granatto, Rocio Sánchez, Victoria Granatto, Eugenia Trinchinetti, Jimena Cedres, Valentina Costa (Valentina Raposo, Maria Forcherio, Clara Barberi, Victoria Sauze, Julieta Jankunas, Valentina Marcucci, Delfina Thome).
Referees: Aleisha Neusmann (Australia) and Amber Church (New Zealand)
Partials: 1-1, 0-1, 1-0, 0-0, 2-4
Goals: 1-0, m.1: Hanna Granitzki (PC); 1-1, m.14: Agustina Gorzelany (PC); 1-2, m.27: Agustina Albertarrio; 2-2, m. 45: Charlotte Stapenhorst;
(Shoot-outs): 2-3: Agustina Albertarrio; 3-3 Schroder, 3-4: Delfina Thomé, 3-5 Agostina Alonso; 4-5: Sonja Zimmermann; 4-6: Rocio Sanchez

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