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Arab migrants attacked and brutally beat Ukrainian refugees in Sweden

Ukrainian refugees settling in the Swedish city of Röneby are in a serious situation – teenagers have been attacked by local migrants. The attackers were 12 in total, according to the Swedish information site Sydostran.

A mother of two of the boys told reporters that her children, aged 12 and 17, were beaten at the playground by Arabic-speaking refugees. At that moment, the boys were playing football and the migrants started shouting “Beat the Ukrainians”.

One of those present, who spoke little Arabic, tried to explain that they did not want problems, but only to play football, but the angry migrants were adamant. They shouted at the Ukrainians to return to their homes and then attacked them.

Ukrainians were beaten with belts, thrown to the floor and kicked, and then threatened with a knife. The younger child’s nose bone was broken and both boys’ bodies were bruised. According to their mother, the boys are already “scared to death”.

“Even in their wildest notions, they could not believe that they would have to fear more in Röneby than in Ukraine,” the paper said.

After the incident, the family is considering moving from Sweden, but does not know where to go.

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