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Apple Showcases the Quality of the Ceramic Shield iPhone 12 Screen, Take a Peek at the Video – All Pages


iPhone 12 in the ‘cook’ promotional video

Nextren.com – Apple is showing resilience again iPhone 12 through a promotional video entitled Cook which was uploaded on 13 March.

In this promotional video, Apple focuses on showing off the screen quality Ceramic Shield iPhone 12 which is able to withstand all the “chaos” while doing cooking activities.

With technology Ceramic Shield, iPhone 12 able to withstand the impact of kitchen utensils, eggs, vegetables, and other foodstuffs.


Also Read: The unlucky fate of this woman when buying the iPhone 12 Pro Max!

Ceramic Shield is a glass technology that adds a nano-ceramic crystal layer to the outermost part of the screen.

Apple claims that the Ceramic Shield is 4x more durable than its predecessor iPhone.

In fact, Apple also claims that the iPhone 12 screen with Ceramic Shield technology is stronger than any smartphone screen.

The durability of Ceramic Shield technology has been tested by several Youtube accounts such as Allstate Protection Plans which is a technology insurance company.

Allstate Protection Plans are trying to drop iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro from a height of 1.8 meters.

As a result, the iPhone 12 has minor cracks and abrasions on the edges.

According to Allstate Protection Plans, this result is better than the iPhone 11 and Samsung Galaxy S20.

Also Read: This YouTuber Makes a Folding iPhone Screen Experiment, Here’s the Result

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Apple seems to be trying to release ads consistently for the sake of introducing various features iPhone 12.

Some time ago, Apple also promoted cameras iPhone 12 with the “Shot on iPhone” campaign.

Apple hopes that with the introduction of features through promotional videos, Apple can increase sales iPhone 12 significantly this year.

What do you think? Write in the comments below!


– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCQpOaR3sVo-


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iPhone 12 screen quality

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