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Appeal for a handicapped accessible municipal administration


Appeal for a handicapped accessible municipal administration

People with disabilities should have better access to the meeting house. This wish was voiced at the Sachsler community meeting.

Only the handicapped-accessible partial renovation of the parish hall was something to talk about at the parish meeting.

Image: Romano Cuonz (November 26, 2020)

Under strict protective measures, 89 Sachsler had to vote at their municipal meeting on the 2019 annual accounts, the 2021 budget and four loans totaling a good million francs. There was only one request to speak about the credit in the amount of 180,000 francs for the conversion of the kindergarten rooms in the community center into rooms for the rectorate and the community administration. In principle, at the present time, the local council did not want to make any structural changes to the existing building due to the high costs. At least handicapped accessible access to meeting and meeting rooms of all departments is made possible.

Claudia Dillier, member of the Sachsler Commission for Age Issues and a long-time employee at Pro Infirmis and Pro Senectute, wanted more. She asked: “Has the local council simply forgotten its own recommendations in the age model? Wouldn’t there have been a chance to implement this concern? ” She was disappointed that the local council did not include the barrier-free building advice center in the planning. “A law firm as well as planning rooms and meeting rooms on the ground floor and an automatic door,” says Claudia Dillier, “could cover the accessibility for people who are dependent on a wheelchair, a cane or walker, and parents with prams would also benefit from this. » However, she decided not to apply for rejection, as further planning would cause too great delays. Dillier’s verbatim admonition: “However, I expect the local council to make optimal use of the meeting rooms that are suitable for handicapped people and to seek advice from specialized offices for detailed planning.” Local councilor Florian Spichtig cited the listed building and the high costs for an obstacle-free adjustment with a stair lift to the top floor as the reasons for the present planning. However, he assured that the planned measures would remain flexible for the future and that nothing would be obstructed.

Various credits, elections and honors

There were no further requests to speak on the items on the agenda. The 2019 invoice with an income surplus of 783,895 francs was approved without discussion. There were also no questions about the 2021 budget with a surplus of expenses of 877,000 francs. The other credit transactions were equally undisputed: 335,000 francs went to the renovation of the sewer system in the Wissibach residential complex. 280,000 francs enable the school kitchen in the Mattli school building to be converted into rooms for the music school. And 238,000 francs, plus an annual operating contribution of 15,800 francs, go to the expansion of the Obwalden indoor swimming pool in Kerns.

Fabian Egger and Sandro Rossi were newly elected to the Auditing Committee, and the previous member Dominik Rohrer took over the presidency. Hermann Spichtig was confirmed as a community female for another term of office. Laura Birve made use of the right to ask questions on behalf of several families. She wanted to know if and when the local council would come back to its decision not to expand the range of day-to-day structures offered by schools. However, the council did not want to make a statement about this. Following the community meeting, the Sachsler local council honored four successful athletes: the Swiss assault rifle master Hans Beat Vogler and the bronze medalists Nina Anderhalden and Sandra Rohrer, who were awarded bronze at the Swiss karate championship. And finally Elias Laky, a Swiss champion in show jumping for children.

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