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Another effect of the flu vaccine… Significant reduction in cardiovascular hospitalization rate and risk of death

Influenza vaccines, also known as influenza vaccines, significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization and death from all causes, as well as prevent the flu, according to one study.

In particular, it is the opinion of experts that guidelines are needed for this as it is more effective for patients with cardiovascular diseases, etc., who are most affected by influenza.

Influenza vaccination alone reduces the risk of pneumonia and cardiovascular risk, according to a study.

On the 16th local time, the Lancet published the results of a large-scale randomized controlled clinical trial of another flu vaccine efficacy (doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00432-6).

In fact, the flu has been reported to significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. For this reason, vaccination is recommended for patients with cardiovascular disease.

However, it is true that there is still a lack of medical evidence that the flu vaccine is effective in reducing this risk.

This is also why a research team led by Professor Mark Loeb of McMaster University conducted a large-scale study on it. This is to confirm the effectiveness of the current flu vaccine.

As a result, the research team recruited 5,129 participants from 10 countries around the world from 2015 to 2021, randomly assigned flu vaccine and saline, and followed their prognosis.

In the primary evaluation to analyze the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease, it was confirmed that those who received the vaccine had an 8% reduction in cardiovascular risk compared to the placebo group.

In the second assessment, which looked at hospitalization, pneumonia and mortality, including all other causes, the difference between the vaccine group and the placebo group was more pronounced.

When the risk of hospitalization for all causes was analyzed, the vaccine alone reduced the risk by 16%.

Also, in the case of the risk of getting pneumonia, the risk of getting vaccinated tended to decrease by 42% compared to those who didn’t.

Overall, when comparing the death rates for the vaccine group and the placebo group, those who received the fall and winter flu shots had a 20 percent reduction in mortality compared with those who did not.

Just getting the flu shot has been shown to reduce the risk of the flu, as well as cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, hospitalization, and death.

Professor Mark said: ‘This is the first study to show that various risks, including cardiovascular disease, can only be reduced with a very cheap and safe flu vaccine.’

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