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Another case may be fabricated against Poroshenko, – lawyers

Lawyers for the fifth president Petro Poroshenko stated that in Office of the President allegedly set the task of fabricating another case against the politician.

As told Ilya Novikov on briefing the agency “Interfax-Ukraine” on Thursday, March 11, is now allegedly actively looking for someone who will be able to sign Poroshenko’s suspicion as soon as possible.

“The president’s office is actively looking for someone who will cooperate with them and sign Poroshenko’s suspicions. Because after all the events of 2019, and especially 2020, there are obviously not so many who want to do this as before,” Novikov said.

Lawyer Igor Golovan for his part, he once again recalled that in order to fulfill the tasks of prosecuting Poroshenko, the State Bureau of Investigation (GBR) grossly violates the law and uses the “cover” of the scandalous Pechersk court.

“In order to annoy Petro Poroshenko, the leader of the opposition, in order to organize political persecution in a convenient for them Pechersk court, in fact, all activities of the central apparatus of the State Bureau of Investigation have been outlawed. Pechersky, not only in the affairs of Petro Poroshenko, but also in everyone else, “Golovan said.

The lawyer also noted that during the report to the Verkhovna Rada, the representative of the RRG allegedly provided false information that the location of the bureau is determined according to the explanation of the Supreme Court of Ukraine at the place of its legal address. In fact, as the response received from the Supreme Court to the lawyers’ request shows, there is no such explanation, Golovan said.

He also recalled that recently the Kiev Court of Appeal denied a petition to a representative of the prosecutor’s office and confirmed that the cases investigated by the RRB should be considered by the Shevchenko District Court of Kiev, and not the Pecherskiy.

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