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Announcement of Graduation of Teacher PPKK Phase 1 Postponed, More Honorary Graduates

The management of FHNK2 PGHRI supports the postponement of the announcement of the graduation of teacher PPPK phase I. Photo: documentation of FHNK2 PGHRI for JPNN.com

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – The Executive Board of the Two Honorary Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (FHNK2 PGHRI) Aji Susanto welcomed the postponement of graduation PPPK 2021 stage I.

This delay is seen as a signal from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim to respond to the five proposals of FHNK2 PGHRI that have been submitted to PGRI, the government, and the Panja Guru for Honorary Education Personnel to become State Civil Apparatus (PGTKH ASN) Commission X DPR RI.

“With an additional bonus on the value of technical competence, it will help non-K2 honorariums so that more will pass the 2021 teacher PPPK test,” Aji said to JPNN.com, Wednesday (29/9).

He mentioned there were many honorary teacher especially those who serve in the main school, there is a formation but it doesn’t meet passing grade PPPK teacher level I.

With the addition of affirmations on the value of technical competence that previously did not pass passing grade, most likely can pass PPPK 2021.

Aji said that during the waiting period for the announcement of the first phase of teacher PPPK selection, they were trying to propose to the local government that the quota of one million PPPK could be fulfilled by 2022.

Considering that the 2021 teacher PPPK quota is very small, it is not proportional to the number of honorariums available.

“We have to compete with other honorary colleagues in the same school,” said this non-K2 honorary teacher in Tegal Regency.

Announcement of Graduation of Teacher Training Program Phase I that was postponed would actually provide a great opportunity for honorary teachers to graduate.

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