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Ana Pontón Criticizes European Central Bank’s Decision on Interest Rates and Proposes Mortgage Rescue Fund

Pontón will bring to the Galician Parliament the creation of a mortgage rescue fund and to the Debate of the State of Autonomy a balance of the last 14 years


The national spokesperson for the BNG, Ana Pontón, has charged against the European Central Bank (ECB) for the increase in interest rates, something that “represents a new blow” for the 175,000 Galicians who have a mortgage.

This was done this Sunday, when the meeting of the party’s executive was held, in reference to the informal meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Union (Ecofin) that was held in Santiago de Compostela.

“There was not a single voice that said and questioned that decision of the ECB, it is a cruel, unfair and absurd decision,” Pontón remarked.

Next, he stressed that it is “absolutely unfair and cruel” for families and the working class that “once again” they want the social majorities to be the ones “to pay the price” for this crisis while “the banks “forra” with “increasingly expensive” mortgages.

“This measure is absurd because inflation is not caused by an increase in consumption but rather the causes are other and we see how the economic ministers of the European Union do not want to act or take measures to stop the inflation that Europe is experiencing,” he said. wielded Pontoon.

Therefore, instead of “taking real measures” what the ECB does “with the blessing of all States” is to “charge against the social majorities” who barely make it to the end of the month and who have to endure a “rise “continued” mortgages.

Pontón has pointed out that one of the resolutions left by Ecofin is the “vocation to return to austerity policies” something that for nationalists “is not the way.”


In this context, he regretted that the PPdeG, at the head of the Xunta, is “completely crossed with its arms incapable of taking any single measure.”

For this reason, the nationalists have announced that they will bring to the Galician Parliament the creation of a mortgage rescue fund with the aim of helping families.

Thus, this fund must be covered by the banks at 75% and in practice it will mean “placing a cap on mortgages.”

This measure, in the words of Pontón, is designed for people who have salary income lower than the state average of around 26,830 euros gross and who are obliged to allocate more than 30% of their income to the mortgage.

“Rueda has to stop dragging his feet in the face of this crisis and has to stop ignoring the problems that are keeping the social majority of Galicia up at night,” he argued.


On the other hand, and apart from these measures, the BNG will propose “unblocking the commission” that studies Galicia’s financing model that the PP “has been systematically vetoing” throughout this legislature.

Secondly, “it is urgent” to claim “all the pending powers” of the current autonomy statute and “they have to end” the “drought of the PPdeG” which “was not able” to obtain any power for Galicia.

“A Popular Party government that leaves Galicia in a worse situation than it found and we are going to see that in the face of the decline of the PP there is an exciting project that in recent years is the central element of change in Galicia,” he remarked.

Given this, they will take to the Debate on the State of Autonomy, for which the Xunta proposed the month of October as the date of celebration, an assessment of 14 years of a PPdeG that leaves Galicia “in a worse situation than what it found.”

Thirdly, they understand that Galicia has to be in the debate on the territorial model with its own proposal, which is why they have considered it “key” to negotiate a new political status as a nation in Parliament.

“We are clear that when we talk about self-government we are talking about tools to improve people’s lives, to give Galicians a better future,” he stated.


Likewise, Pontón has made reference to other proposals that the nationalist formation will bring to the Pazo do Hórreo. Thus, in this context of price crisis, he has proposed creating a school card with aid of up to 500 euros for low and medium incomes.

The third initiative that they will carry out will be to carry out an “urgent” budget modification to create “a response package” to the price crisis with measures “among which must include” the recovery of the basic card for the remainder of the year and commit that it will be incorporated into the 2024 budgets.

2023-09-17 12:47:55
#BNG #charges #ECB #rise #interest #rates #blow #Galicians #mortgage

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