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Among the possible symptoms to recognize too high or low blood pressure, these are the 2 most common

We do not always realize that our body sends signals, even imperceptible ones, which could be an alarm bell. Not all disorders cause obvious consequences, others instead vary in a more or less drastic way even certain values.

Often, only with blood tests, which would be a first step, we can understand if something is wrong, because through some values ​​we could already have some clues. As in the case of high cholesterol and triglycerides, if their levels are not regular, in fact, it is necessary to go to the bottom to understand the real problem.

Another way to try to keep our health under control is to measure blood pressure, with a simple home instrument, within everyone’s reach. There would be parameters within which to fall, which in an individual, who does not suffer from particular pathologies, are about 120/80 mmHg. These values ​​represent the maximum and minimum pressure that a person should have, if we notice any anomalies then we should go to a doctor for a consultation.

Among the possible symptoms to recognize too high or low blood pressure, these are the 2 most common

When the values ​​are not normal, this could be due to several factors, including age. Other causes could be possible arrhythmias, infections, stress, diabetes, obesity, smoking, too much sedentary lifestyle and even an unbalanced diet.

The important thing is never to underestimate these conditions, especially if they are frequent, because we would risk causing irreparable damage to our body. If the values ​​are below the norm, often the alarm bells are more evident, while in the case of hypertension we do not always recognize the signs immediately.

In both cases, however, among the possible symptoms to recognize too high or low blood pressure, these are the 2 most common, which we could feel. This is the loss of balance and sudden dizziness, even if we are sitting, still or standing.

Dizziness, confusion, lightheadedness and blurred vision may also occur. We do not ignore these signs, rather we measure blood pressure several times throughout the day and contact our treating doctor.

Prevention is important

In some cases it may be possible to prevent hypotension and hypertension in the non-serious and transient forms, which are not consequences of more complex and articulated pathologies. So, in general, it would be better to avoid alcohol abuse, drink plenty of water, make sudden movements, for example when we are sitting and we have to stand up. Try to maintain a regular lifestyle, have a healthy and balanced diet, keep your weight under control and get some physical activity.

In addition, it would be ideal to quit smoking or reduce the amount of cigarettes. If we have any doubts about the actions they could avoid pressure changes, a specialist could show us the best way to go.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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