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Judge suspends bullfights again in CDMX

Mexico City. A federal administrative judge based in Mexico City once again suspended the bullfight in Mexico City, mainly in Plaza México.

The civil association Va por sus Derechos promoted the amparo trial before the First District Court in Administrative Matters on April 23, against the omission to prevent the spectacle called “Bullfights” in the country’s capital.

In this regard, Judge Minerva Herlinda Mendoza Cruz granted him the precautionary measure, which in addition to immediately suspending the so-called “Fiesta Brava”, the judge stopped the granting of permits to hold this type of shows.

“The provisional suspension is granted, until this incident is finally resolved, for the purposes specified below. Responsible authorities must refrain from executing the contested acts, for which they must immediately suspend bullfighting shows in Mexico City, as well as the granting of permits to hold said shows. It is worth mentioning that not only the responsible authorities are obliged to comply with this precautionary measure, but also those who, by virtue of their functions, can materialize its effects and consequences,” states the first instance resolution.

The togada scheduled the holding of the incidental hearing for next May 10 where it will determine whether to grant the definitive suspension to the association.

The precautionary measure was granted without requiring any monetary guarantee, since the acts claimed involve the violation of the human right to a healthy environment, provided for in the fourth constitutional article.

The justice official indicated that the violation of the environment is a direct and immediate consequence of the act complained of, since it is affecting the animals that are a fundamental part of nature and that are used in bullfighting.

In January of this year, the fifth district court in administrative matters, based in the capital of the country, also granted a temporary suspension so that the responsible authorities would refrain from executing the contested acts, for which they should suspend immediately, the bullfighting shows in the Benito Juárez Mayor’s Office.
At that time, Judge Sandra de Jehús Zúñiga granted this measure to the Association Todos y Todos por Amor a los Toros, as part of the protection trial 152/2023.

On the Facebook page of the Va por sus Derechos association, it was noted that for the first time a suspension is granted in order to safeguard the fundamental rights, life and integrity of the bulls.

“For the first time in Mexico, a district court in administrative matters suspends bullfighting, not to protect human rights, but in this case to protect the fundamental rights of the bulls, horses and steers that are in danger both of their lives. as integrity. We continue walking, breaking that legal anthropocentrism, giving results only for the protection of the rights of other animals.”

#Judge #suspends #bullfights #CDMX
– 2024-05-12 17:40:16

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