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Amnesty International Thailand Advocates for Right to Bail for Political Activists

Today (September 18) at 1:30 p.m. at the Central Women’s Correctional Institution. Bangkok Special Prison Representatives of Amnesty International Network “Amnesty International Thailand” and the Human Rights Lawyers Center Appointments were made to participate in symbolic expression activities. “Do my friends have rights?” on the birthday of Warunee, one of the accused in the Section 112 case who went on hunger strike. To demand the right to bail for political activists and persons detained while fighting legal cases. This activity will include holding signs to campaign for the right to bail. and various demands and also blew a birthday cake for “Warunee”. The lawyer said that for ‘Warunee’ she was accused of being the one who posted online statements about King Rama X and the Emerald Buddha. Currently, Warunee is being prosecuted on three charges: 1. Section 112 for defaming the King, 2. Section 206 for insulting religion, and 3. Offense according to Section 14 (3) of the Computer Crime Act for using illegal information. about security and terrorism into the computer system The Court of First Instance sentenced her to 3 years imprisonment, but after pleading guilty, the sentence was reduced in half to 1 year and 6 months imprisonment. Warunee has been in prison since June 28, 2023. She is one of the accused in the Section 112 case who went on hunger strike. limit water intake to demand bail rights while fighting the case

Warunee’s younger sister revealed that what she hopes for her sister’s birthday is The fact that Warunee has the right to bail Because she was worried and afraid that her sister would go on hunger strike in prison for a long time. There will be serious long-term health effects. Today, she hopes that older sister Warunee will be patient and not give up or be something along the way. While fighting for the right to bail Even though I can’t help but worry about the insecurity in prison. But when it is something Warunee chooses As a younger sister, she wanted Warunee to be patient. As for the family, they will be helping outside and not going anywhere. and will always be by your side until you are free. “I want him to get bail. We feel that sometimes we have rights like other cases. Because the case is more serious than this He even got bail. I don’t understand why my sister was not given the right to bail. Even though he always reported for duty, he was never absent, never thought of escaping. Why did the court reason that he was afraid his brother would escape? To be honest, we don’t understand the reason. Why not grant the right to bail? I feel that this is not fair to our sister.” Carrying out symbolic activities by holding a birthday party for Warunee this time The goal is to reflect the right to bail for all prisoners who are fighting their cases. It’s not just political activists alone. What Warunee’s sister hopes for most is that her sister will be released. or have the right to bail to fight the case outside the prison as quickly as possible And if Warunee is freed, Warunee’s sister and the family want the parties involved to make a written commitment. To guarantee Warunee’s life safety that she will not be attacked, tortured, or kidnapped when she comes out of prison.

“This birthday, I want my sister to be free. It would be a really nice birthday present for him. Because on our last birthday He apologized to us. This year hasn’t taken us anywhere. Because I have to be stuck in prison. When it’s his birthday We want to take him out to eat or go do whatever he wants to do. It would probably be great. If this request is true.”

Mrs. Piyanuch Kotsan, Director of Amnesty International Thailand said that currently there are activists who are inmates in prison coming out to demand the right to bail. Immediately and unconditionally dismiss the charges. and restore the right to bail while awaiting trial in court. Of these, ‘Warunee’ is one of the accused who demanded that the justice process restore the right to bail while fighting the case.

Director of Amnesty Thailand addressed the new government led by Prime Minister Settha Thavisin that Amnesty has 3 demands regarding the rights of prisoners in prison and those being prosecuted for exercising their right to express themselves and protest: 1. Demanding the right to bail for Warunee who is currently hunger strike including other prisoners who are prisoners of conscience 2. The Department of Corrections must ensure that it takes good care of and respects the human rights of prisoners. and ensure that everyone has access to good and timely medical care. Conforms to the United Nations minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners. (Mandela Rules) and 3. Drop charges and prosecutions against people exercising their rights to freedom of expression and protest. Release prisoners immediately and without conditions

“We sincerely hope that the new government It will not ignore incidents occurring in prisons and other prisoners, not just prisoners of conscience, and will take their demands seriously. Especially granting the right to bail to accused persons who are undergoing trial. And relevant parties must make human rights a matter for everyone equally.

Director of Amnesty reiterated that the heart of human rights It is that everyone is treated equally and fairly and that everyone is subject to the law that uses the same standards. speaking out about ‘Right to bail’ because this is a fundamental right that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 11 states that ‘Every human being is innocent until a court decides’, consistent with the Thai Constitution, Article 29, paragraph 2, at Stated that if it is a criminal case, it is first assumed that the accused or defendant is not guilty. This means that before there is a final judgment. You cannot treat that person as if he or she has done wrong. But at present it is found that this matter has not been taken seriously.

2023-09-18 09:50:04
#Amnesty #calls #bail #Warunee #political #activist #Case

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