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American students sing to fight virus blues – Web News

(Washington) Isolated or idle due to school closings in the United States due to coronavirus, hundreds of students are fighting depression by singing on the internet.

Posted on March 15, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.

France Media Agency

Closing schools means canceling the many end-of-year shows. So their participants post clips of themselves or rehearsal videos on Twitter.

They often take on the best known tunes of the great musicals which can no longer be heard either in Broadway theaters, which are also closed.

Broadway actress Laura Benanti launched the operation on Twitter, asking those who follow her to “find the bright spots” in the current crisis.

“If you were to participate in a musical with your school and the show was canceled, then post a video of yourself singing,” she said.

Hundreds of students answered the call, posting to #SunshineSongs singing excerpts from major musicals, such as Phantom of the Opera or Wretched.

“Our class spent the year preparing EVERYTHING for this show,” said a senior student whose school had to give up the representation of the Jungle Book. “Thank you for the chance to share this,” she adds.

In Italy in recent days, to break the isolation, thousands of people began to sing or play music at their window or on their balcony, a few hours after having addressed a minute of applause to the nursing staff.

The coronavirus epidemic has spread more rapidly in recent days in the United States, which currently has nearly 3,000 cases and 57 deaths, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University.

Source: LaPresse.ca – News

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